The End of the Beginning

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I ran as fast as I could toward the house. He could ruin it, Mike could ruin all of this. What if he tells somebody? What if he keeps investigating? What would happen then? I would get in so much trouble. It would make last night look like a walk in the park. If last night was bad, I was surely mistaken compared to what will happen next if anyone finds out because he blabbed. I couldn't take it. All of the questions world in my head, threatening me to burst into tears. For all I wanted to do, is curl up in a ball and cry myself to sleep. I would already be in enough trouble as it is for being late. I was supposed be home two hours ago. All the bad things that School lied in my brain, still threatening tears. I was running so fast through the streets, accidentally bumped into a pair of men. One was African-American and the other white with brown hair. They looked at me like I was crazy, which I probably am, but I don't like it to be shown.
"Hey, kid," the white man called after me, "Watch where you're going. Are you okay?"
Ignoring him, I just kept running, only to find that both of them came after me. They weaved through the crowd, looking desperate to get me.
Shawn's POV
After the kid ran into me, I saw that she looked distressed. I called out to her, but she didn't answer, so I did the responsible thing. I slapped Gus on the arm, trying to get his attention, and ran off towards the kid. We ran for a while, which isn't good because I am incredibly out of shape. No matter how good I look, I'm not muscular. All the goods are in my hair. But now, my hair didn't do me any good chasing after this girl. I followed her toward an old neighborhood and down a couple of streets until I finally lost her. However, I was intrigued when I found police cars parked in front of one of the houses. I saw jewels and Lassie speaking into the radio, probably talking to the chief. I decided it might be fun to annoy Lassie, so I went up behind him. When I was about 12 cm away from his ear, I yelled BOO. He jumped.
"Damn it Spencer! What are you doing here? This is a private crime scene," Lassie yelled at me.
"Well I just happen to be in the neighborhood, and I found you," I said, "So, what do we have here, a murder, a suicide?"
"Nope, drug lord, alcoholic. A nasty man," Jules explained.
Just than, Gus finally caught up and asked the same questions that I asked.
"So, can we help?" I asked.
"No," Lassie exclaimed almost immediately.
"Okay, let's go in," McNab announced.
"After you Lassie," I said sarcastically, earning a glare from Lassie as Gus and I followed the officers in the old, creaky house.
Hey y'all, I want to apologize for not updating lately, but I will try to start updating sooner. I want to apologize if you don't know about psych. Psych is basically a great TV show, but it is pretty old so a lot of you probably don't know it. If you don't want psych then tell me in the comments and I'll make an alternate story along with this one, so then they'll be two stories with the same beginning and different endings. But, the Psych thing is just like adding new characters so you don't really  have to know the show. So just tell me, keep reading, keep voting, and come please.

The Author

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