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My body clock went off, waking me up for another early morning. I swiftly got dressed and slipped out of the little closet. For just a second, I looked back to see a sleeping Jimmy passed out on the couch. Now for the real question, could I seek to the kitchen to get some food? All the food I would get otherwise was a small dinner. Can I keep lasting this long with this little food? I quickly decided It wouldn't hurt to just have a look of what is expectably quiet.

I reached the kitchen and... Score! There where 3 bags of chips and a pair that is reasonably monerverbul. I snatched it with out to much hassle and tried to run out of the house. What an utter fail! You see, last night 'dad' went full out on the alcohol. He was to drunk to relies whet he was doing. He took out his belt and started to lash it everywhere on my body. Now there's no way I could run. I silently cursed. I was going to be late.

And so I was.(is that proper English?) I tried to hurry to get to the classroom in time, but I couldn't. My first class, math. Yay, note the sarcasm. I took my seat in the back of the class after getting a stern look from Mrs. Garcia. My eyelids felt heavy, oh god no! I reluctantly laid my head down, giving in to the temptation.

Smack! A ruler hit my desk and suddenly I was wide awake.

"See me after class," she said loathingly. Great I was in for it now. I had fallen asleep again. I would never get much sleep at night, well, not proper sleep. Most of the time I would pass out form all Jimmy's engaging lessons. I would uassly wake up a few hours latter to still have tiredness over whelm me. Before I knew it, the class period was ending. Great time for my mini conference with Mrs. Garcia.

"You do know you're failing in this class, correct?'' I mumbled a no and continued, "Well, if you where to stop sleeping in my class, then you might get your grade up."

I nodded and went to my next class: PE.

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