Chapter Seventeen

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I don't see Peeta basically the rest of the day. The only time I did see him was in 4th period. He has drama class with me and because of the other grades having lunch at this time; it's a lot longer than other classes. Joanna and walk to this class together and I tell her everything that has happened today. By the end of my story, she actually looks a little sympathetic.

"Katniss, I'm sorry." Is all she says and I can't expect her to say much more than that. It's kind of hard to respond to.

"I'll get over it soon. It's just a break up after all." I say trying to be a little cheerful when actually, I want to break down and cry. We walk in the doors and the first person I see is Peeta. I want to go sit with him, but we aren't a thing anymore. Instead, Joanna and I sit about two rows behind him. She tries her best to talk to me and get my mind off of him, but I just keep looking at him. Actually, I'm looking at Delly, who just sat down with him. She is obviously trying to flirt with him. Sadly, Peeta is a very nice person and he just smiles, nods, and talks back to her. Finally, the drama teacher, Mrs. Portia walks in and she starts going on about what we are doing today. What I like about her is that she designs all the costumes for our performances. All I heard was we were doing some big show for the graduation ceremony. I didn't really care so I zoned out after that until I heard her calling out our names.

"Now, we will be doing a play written by yours truly. I know everyone will be excited to see who will be playing our main characters. Now, these two students, I think, could really put on a good show in terms of the romantic side of things. So, we have Katniss Everdeen playing Megan and Peeta Mellark playing Cedric." She says. That actually makes sense. She is one of those teachers that know everything about the students. Like who is dating who and any issues they are having. But she doesn't know about me and Peeta yet. The only person who does is Joanna. So I have to go along with it. She assigns everyone else's parts and we all get our scripts. She calls me over to her desk and Peeta comes over as well.

"Now, Katniss and Peeta, I know in the play you two will have some scenes where you are with your friends, but I really want you both working together. So, I had one of the janitors clean up one of the empty classrooms for you two to work in alright?" She asks and we nod. She leads us out the doors and to the empty classroom she was talking about.

"Here we are. Now, just follow the script and when you think you have it down, come to me and I will watch you do it. It is scene 24 I want you to work on." She says and leaves. I look at Peeta. He seems very interested in his script to take any notice in me, so I clear my throat. His bright blue eyes look darker somehow and puffy.

"You ready?" I ask.

"Yeah." He says and we take our spots. "You start the scene." He says. I stand up a little straighter and clear my throat again.

"What do you mean they won't let us be together?"

"I mean, I was told to stay away from you." He says.

"So your friends have a greater influence on you than I do? Is that it?" I ask.

"No, I just, want you to be safe." He says. He steps closer to me.

"But I don't feel safe without you." I say filling the space between us.

"It's for the best." He whispers. Why would he whisper? He won't whisper when we actually do this in front of everyone.

"I don't care about my well-being. Without you, I feel like a piece of me is missing. I just want to..." I trail off and collapse like the script tells me to. He catches me before I hit the ground. He puts his hand around my waist and I feel the warmth of his touch. I keep reading the script.

"Break down and lose myself. Cry all my tears so I can't cry anymore. I need to be with you." I say and somehow it doesn't feel like I'm acting anymore.

"I want you to be alright." He says. "But there is no promise that I can keep you safe from them Megan. I can't promise you that you won't be hurt."

"No one has promised me anything in my entire life and so far, things have turned out pretty good." I say. He leans in toward me and I reach up toward him. Just as our lips are about to touch, he pulls back and takes in a breath.

"We um... We don't really need to practice this part do we?" He asks and I feel crushed. I try not to register it on my face but I know it does.

"Yes Peeta, we do." I stand up a little on my own but he still has a hold on me. I feel the tears in my eyes but they don't spill. "I can't let go with nothing. I have to have something to hold on to." And we defiantly aren't acting anymore. Even though I tried to stand up, he pulls me down to the ground with him. For a moment, I just sit in his lap, and then, he turns his head toward me. He takes my face in his hands and leans in. Our lips touch and sparks fly. I thought he would break away so I grab hold of him to keep him from moving. He leans back a little and I go with him. I won't pull away and I'm trying to convince him not to. Just when I think I have, the bell rings and we are forced apart. We both stand and I think I'm going to cry, but I hold back my tears. I grab my book bag and am reaching for the door handle, when I notice Peeta hasn't moved.

"Are you coming?" I ask but my voice sounds distant.

"I just need a minute." He says and turns around. I walk out and leave him in the room.

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