Chapter Eighteen

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The next three weeks are the worse weeks of my life. After science class that one day when Finnick made it his goal to embarrass me and Peeta, I went off on him at lunch. I used a lot of mean words and said a lot of mean things to Finnick, but he deserved it. I felt bad of course, and then I had to explain that we broke up. Peeta wasn’t there when I did though. He doesn’t sit with us at lunch like he used to. Now, he sits with the careers. That’s just what we call them anyway. They are the meanest kids in the entire school, very snobby, and very rich. I don’t know why Peeta wants to sit with them all of the sudden, but he is. There is Cato, who is kind of the leader of their group. Clove, his girlfriend. Then Marvel and Glimmer are a couple too. They are always in trouble with our principle, Mrs. Trinket, and almost always have detentions in her office. But Peeta has been completely ignoring me for a while now and he won’t even answer my text messages. Mr. Semple moved his seat in science and, even though he won’t admit it, I’m pretty sure Peeta asked to be moved. And ever since that first practice in drama class, he has been going by the script. He kisses me when the paper says to, but he doesn’t kiss me like he means it. It was a mistake to want to break up with him and I know that now. I was over thinking things way too much and I want to be with Peeta. But he doesn’t want to be with me anymore. I cry at night thinking about how stupid I was being and Prim comforts me. I don’t tell her why I’m crying though. And my dreams have turned to nightmares about losing Peeta. I wake up more often then I used to screaming out because Peeta died by a knife or an animal. I usually get out of bed and just walk around until morning. I can never go back to sleep because every time I close my eyes I see Peeta getting hurt again. I started talking to Gale again, but we aren’t a couple. I have to tell him that every time he tries to kiss me. This is the last week of school before graduation and I’m nervous that Peeta and I won’t be okay again. I think of ways to get him alone and talk to him as I walk toward school. I see him, standing with Cato and Clove, but they don’t see me. I sneak up by the steps where they are sitting. I’m not sure if it’s because I want to know what they are talking about, or if I’m just that desperate to hear Peeta’s voice again. I’m not sure, but I just listen.
“Listen, I can’t do it anymore. I’ve been miserable without her.” Peeta says.
“Well, that’s just too bad. Do you honestly think we are care? We don’t like her Peeta.” Cato says.
“But I do. And I have had to watch her hanging with Gale for the past 3 weeks. Do you not understand what that is putting me through? She probably thinks I hate her.” Peeta says.
“Let her think that. She is no good for you anyway Peeta. Besides, I hear Glimmer has been thinking of asking you out.” Cato says and I feel anger.
“I obviously don’t have a thing for blondes, but I do for brunettes.” Peeta snaps.
“There is always me.” Clove says and I can hear the smile on her face.
“Sorry, I like my girl with a braid in her hair. And I’m going to find Katniss.” Peeta says and I hear him getting up.
“Peeta, we have told you before. You go with Katniss, and something might happen to her.” Cato says.
“You will leave her alone Cato.” Peeta basically growls.
“Oh, we will?” He questions. Then, I hear someone make a sudden movement and I can’t help but strain my neck to see what happened. I see Peeta just as his fist makes contact with Cato’s cheek. That is really going to piss him off. Cato lunges at Peeta but misses by several inches. Peeta punches him in the gut as Cato pulls out a pocket knife. With a fast movement, Cato has dug his knife deep in Peeta’s leg and drags it down to his kneecap. Clove pulls something out and puts it on Peeta’s neck. He starts shaking violently and screaming. She keeps hitting a button and he screams louder. She is tazzing him!
“Hey!” I yell revealing myself. I rush toward them but Clove stops me. She throws a knife and I dodge it. But the second one cuts me just above the eyebrow. She pulls out a knife of her own and tackles me to the ground.
“Want to blow you boyfriend one last kiss?” She asks and now I have Peeta’s attention.
“Let him go.” I snap.
“Don’t think so.” She says with an evil smile. She twists the knife around and just before she can cut me, someone has lifted her off of me. At first I think Peeta got out of Cato’s grasp, but I find a student has lifted Clove off of her feet and she is dangling in the air. I think that’s Thresh. He sets her down but keeps a hand on her back as they walk toward the front doors. I look at Peeta and I notice one of the teachers, Mr. Abernathy, pulling Cato off of him and walking him toward the principle. The principle, Mrs. Trinket, is standing by the door.
“This will get you kicked out from this school completely.” She tells Cato and Clove walk by. Peeta crawls to me and his face looks pale.
“Are you okay?” He asks. I have a little cut above my eye and he has a stab wound in his leg. And he is asking me if I’m okay.
“I’ll live, but I’m not sure if you will.” I say frowning looking at his leg. Not the right thing to say, so I laugh it off. He just keeps looking at me. His eyes don’t blink. Finally, his eyes close and he falls back on the pavement. I scream and that draws the attention of Mr. Abernathy who was standing by the door. He sees Peeta and his eyes widen. He pulls out his phone.
“I need an ambulance at Hunger Game High right now! We have an unconscious student with a stab wound.”  He keeps talking but I stop listening. By this time, a crowd has formed but I just keep looking at Peeta. I put my fingers to his neck like my mother does sometimes and I don’t feel a pulse. Between Cato stabbing him and Clove tazzing him, it made his heart stop. Frantic and crying, I try to wake him up. I shake him even though I shouldn’t.
“Katniss!” I hear people yell but I don’t pay attention. “Katniss!” People keep yelling but I won’t look up. It seems like forever that I have been trying to wake him and he won’t. I’m sobbing now and it’s uncontrollable. Finally, someone’s hands are on my chest and pulling me away. I see Finnick. The first thing he does is pinch Peeta’s nose and I lose it. I don’t have anything to hurt him with so I charge him, only to be held back by Joanna and Annie. I start hyperventilating and making weird crying sounds. Annie tries to comfort me, but Joanna just hold onto my shirt so I can’t move. I look at Finnick, who is, kissing Peeta? I’m confused at first, but it looks familiar. Like I have seen someone do that before. My mother. I think remembering my mother doing something close to that. He is giving him CPR. Nothing is happening though and I’m afraid we lost him. I start crying and Annie just holds me, Joanna actually puts a shoulder around me and I know he has to be gone for her to show any type of kindness to me. Sobbing into Annie’s shirt, I hear someone coughing. Finnick has backed up and Peeta lies on his back coughing. When he is able to sit up a little, I break free of the girls hold on me and wrap my arms around him.
“Easy Katniss.” Finnick says and I loosen up a little. I’m still crying and Peeta takes notice. He looks confused.
“What’s wrong Katniss? Why are you crying?” He asks concerned.
“Peeta, you were dead! Your heart stopped and you weren’t breathing and I thought I lost you for good.” I tell him in a rant. Everything was said between sobs. I look at Finnick.
“You saved him. You knew what to do.” I stand up and hug him. I don’t care if he embarrassed us in science, or if he can be perverted sometimes, he saved Peeta and that’s all that matters. He hugs me back.
“Thank you so much.” I say.
“It was nothing.” He says releasing me from his hug and letting me go back to Peeta, only to find the ambulance arriving.
“I want you to ride in the back with me.” He says.
“Of course.” I say hugging him again only not as tight. The paramedics come with a stretcher and they carefully lift Peeta on it and take him to the ambulance. I stand up and try to walk that way, but they won’t let me through.
“Pease, I have to ride with him.” I beg.
“He isn’t in the best condition right now. You can drive to the hospital and see him there. He will probably have to have surgery on his leg.” The paramedic says. I just shake my head.
“Just drive yourself to the hospital mam.” He says.
“Like hell I will.” I say as they shut the doors. My head aches from the cut, which they didn’t look at, and I watch them drive away. Someone puts their hand on my shoulders.
“We can drive you there Katniss.” Annie says. I shake my head.
“Too much traffic. It will be easier and faster to cut through the woods. Thanks though.” I say starting to run off. Someone stops me though.
“Katniss, you still have to stay at school.” Ms. Trinket says walking toward me.
“What the hell are you talking about?” I ask. She gasps.
“Katniss, manners!” She says and I remember she is the manner freak.
“Sorry.” I mutter.
“And I’m talking about you don’t have an excuse to leave. Your cut can be treated at the nurse’s office.” She says.
“I’m going to the hospital.” I say.
“You are staying here or it will be counted as a UN excused absence. And if you have one more of those by the end of the school week, you won’t graduate.” She says. She likes her students and staff to have perfect attendance.
“What if I need stitches?” I ask knowing I probably won’t.
“Well, we will take you to the hospital then. But for now, let’s call your mother.” She says and walks back inside. Sometimes I really hate this school.
*** A/N I hope you guys liked the long chapter!***

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