Chapter Twenty-Five

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I can’t focus on anything when I finally wake up. I had been in and out all the way here in the ambulance, and whole time they had me in surgery, and trying to rest in my bed. I lost a lot of blood and I still feel sick from all the blood I saw. I look at my bedside table and see roses. I almost puke. I pick up the vase and I throw it against the wall, not honestly caring if I get yelled at. I lean back again and close my eyes. I black out again.
When I wake up once more, I stay relaxed. I slowly open my eyes and focus them on a pool of blue. I instantly smile and wrap my arms around him. Peeta doesn’t hesitate to do the same.
“You know we have the same blood type?” He asks pulling away looking at me.
“What?” I ask. He lightly laughs and sits down. He hasn’t been released from the hospital yet, but he walked over to see me.
“You needed blood and they said you had type O. Turns out, I do too.” He says.
“So your blood is inside me right now?” I ask and he nods. “Well, I did not see that coming.” I say while laughing. He smiles and I hear the door open. I look up and see Finnick, Annie, Joanna, and Gale. Gale. Why did he even come? I don’t want him here and my face must show it because Peeta grabs my hand.
“I told you to call me Everdeen.” Finnick says jumping on my bed so he is standing even more over top of me. “I told you to call me so you wouldn’t go through the woods. I know how much you hate the color of my car, but I would have drove the red one. Straight circle Katniss!” He says and I laugh. He jumps off my bed and walks over to me, pulling me in for a hug.
“At least the police got you in time.” He says. Annie, Joanna, and Gale come over and give me a hug. I make Gale’s fast, Annie makes hers sweet, and Joanna makes hers comforting. That is a surprise. We sit in my room for a while talking just as we did when Peeta came in. I tell them everything about what happened to me. I start from when I walked out of the hospital until the police got me and everything went black.
“Yeah? Because you were awake long enough after surgery to throw those flowers against the wall.” Peeta says.
“Could you hear the crash?” I ask.
“I was sitting right here when you did it.” He says.
“Well then I must have been in a real messed up state because all I could smell were those awful flowers.” I say.
“Did you read the card?” He asks.
“No, who sent them?” I ask. He leans close to my ear so no one else can hear.
“Me.” He says softly.
“You did!” I exclaim.
“You see Katniss, I whispered for a reason.” He says with a wink.
“What kind of flowers were they?” Finnick asks.
“Roses.” I say remembering the smell and how they tied in with Snow. I felt sick and wanted to puke.
“Roses, Peeta, are Snow’s favorite. It’s a very strong scent on him and Katniss probably smelled it while she was with him. Am I right?” He asks me. I nod.
“So, the only reason she threw them against the wall was because they reminded her of Snow. Any of us would have done the same thing.” He says.
“Well, that makes sense. I’m sorry Katniss.” He says squeezing my hand tighter.
“It’s not your fault, you didn’t know.” I say and before he can answer, Joanna yells, “You guys aren’t going to kiss are you?”
“Why? Would that make you uncomfortable?” I ask grinning.
“Not just me.” She mutters and I remember Gale is here. I’m still mad at him, but we need to talk.
“Um guys? Can we have a minute?” I ask looking at Gale. They all nod and get up, except Peeta who holds my hand tighter.
“Peeta? It’s okay. I will be fine.” I say. He looks at Gale and then back at me.
“Okay, I trust you.” He says and stands up, then looks at Gale. “Gale, you can threaten me as much as you want. Send a bomb to my house and I won’t care. But don’t you even think about doing anything to Katniss that she doesn’t want. Got it?” He says and walks out without an answer, leaving me and Gale alone in this now awkward room.

         “Why did you come?” I ask when I hear Peeta close the door. He looks shocked at first, and then confused.
“Because your mom said you got shot and I wanted to see if you were okay.” He says.
“You didn’t check to see if Peeta was okay after he got stabbed.” I say.
“You honestly think I care about Peeta.” He asks.
“Peeta and I are happy now. So you can’t be good with me and not him.” I snap. I am very mad.
“I don’t know why you are so mad at me Katniss.” He says.
“How about the fact that you still think we are together. That every time I’m with you, I have to tell you not to kiss me or hug me or touch me because we aren’t together anymore. It’s annoying!” I shoot back.
“Listen, I would still be better for you than him. Why can’t you just see that?” He asks. I sigh.
“So threatening him and breaking his ankle is supposed to make me see you as a better person?” I ask. He has no words for that. He just stands up.
“Are you leaving?” I ask.
“No.” He says.
“Please Gale, just go.” I say.
“Why?” He asks.
“Because I don’t want you here.” I say. His expression is rock hard. “Peeta cares about me a lot more than you ever did.” I say.
“That is bull sh*t and you know it Katniss!” He says angrily. Then his voice softens. “Listen to me. I want you in my life. I want you to be my girl. You are my world Katniss.” He says.
“Gale, it won’t work.” I say.
“Fine. It’s only a year of my life down the drain.” He says and walks out the door, making sure to slam it on the way out. A year of his life? More like a year of mine. I wish I had found Peeta sooner. Speaking of Peeta, he walks in.
“Hey, are you okay?” He asks. I nod. “What happened?” He asks. Annie, Finnick, and Joanna decide to walk in.
“Later.” I say.
“Katniss? There is a police man outside of the room that wants to talk to you and Peeta. He has to do it alone so we are going to leave. We will come back probably tomorrow and visit.” Annie says.
“Okay. Thank you guys so much for coming.” I say extending my arms. Annie hugs me and so does Joanna. Finnick seems a little hesitant. Annie hits his arm.
“Go ahead Finnick and tell her what you did.” Annie says. I look at him.
“What did you do?” I ask.
“Hey brainless, she is going to find out.” Joanna says.
“Fine! Such naggers! Well except you.” He says to Annie.
“Spill!” She says.
“I called my parents and um, told them everything that happened. About how you had to um, walk home and go through the woods and that’s how they got you. So um, the actual reason we are leaving is because my parents, um, want me home so we can go um, buy you a car.” He says.
“What!” I exclaim and Peeta starts laughing. “Finnick! Don’t do that please!” I say.
“Why not Katniss?” He asks.
“Because then I will always be in your debt!” I say.
“No you won’t, this is me paying you back so I’m not in your debt anymore.” He says. I shake my head.
“And what did I ever do that put you in my debt?” I ask.
“Remember for semester exams I only had a mechanical pencil? And they said we needed a number two pencil? You let me borrow one.” He says.
“That was nothing Finnick! Defiantly not worth a car!” I say.
“You saved me from having to get up and walk all the way to the teacher’s desk to get one though. It is such a long walk from my desk to the teachers.” He says dramatically.
“Finnick, I don’t care how rich you are; you are not buying me a car.” I say.
“Yes I am. It’s going to be green, your favorite color.” He says.
“But-” I try to protest.
“No buts. Peeta is getting one too.” He says.
“Whoa, we never discussed that.” Peeta says.
“It’s not safe with you having to walk everywhere with Gale out to get you. Especially when you live close to the forest.” Finnick says. We look at each other.
“We don’t want a car!” We say at the same time. He laughs.
“Well to bad! Peeta, you are getting an orange one!” He says and runs out the door. The girls follow him waving their final goodbyes.
“What kind of friends do we have?” I say.
“Some good ones. Just one of them is to rich and spends money like it’s nothing.” He says.
“That’s about the truth.” I say. He holds my hand and the policeman walks in.

A/N enjoy the extra long chapter!

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