Chapter Twenty-Three

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My only thought while I’m in here is that I have to get out. They set up this little bed for them, how thoughtful. (Note the sarcasm) They have to have to be sitting up there waiting for me to make some kind of move. I have to make a plan. There is nothing I can use to my advantage. There is a clock down here so at least I can keep track of the time. I don’t care who you are, at 2 a.m. you are going to be tired. I want to fall asleep myself but I know I can’t. Maybe if I stay awake long enough they will all fall asleep and I can try to find a way out. I made a promise to Peeta to be there tomorrow and I’m going to. I also promised to face time him when I got home and I didn’t. I feel around for my phone in my pocket. They were really stupid. How did they forget to take my phone? I pull it out and see I have a lot of missed calls and messages. Most of them are from my mother wanting to know where I am and if I stayed at the hospital and if I didn’t call back I was grounded. There were two missed facetimes from Peeta and a text message.
Peeta:  Katniss, your mom called me and said you never came home. Where are you? Are you okay! Please call me or something when you see this! I will stay up all night if I have to but please tell me you are alright! I love you! ~Peeta.
Was he serious about staying up all night? I could call him and tell him what happened and he could get help right? I can try at least. I hit facetime. It rings and rings and rings. It keeps ringing and just as I’m about to hang up, and my phone says it is connecting. I wait and after what seems like forever, I finally see Peeta’s tired and worried face.
“Katniss? Katniss, where are you? That isn’t your house.” He says.
“Sh. No, it isn’t my house. I’m not at home and I’m in a bad situation. I need your help. You were right about them Peeta. They do plan to hurt me. Remember when that Snow guy got Finnick and was going to sell him around for his body?” I ask and he nods. His face drains of color. “Well, that same guy has me and we are getting on a plane tomorrow morning at like 6. Please Peeta, you have to do something to help me.” I plead.
“Of course!” He says. “Where are you? Do you know?” He asks.
“In the woods, a little past the lake is a small, one room cement house. He added a little basement. There is a hidden door in the middle of the floor.” I say.
“Okay, I’m not hanging up with you; I will use the hospital phone. But turn down the volume on your phone so that way they can’t hear me.” He says. I nod and do what he says. He picks up the landline on the bedside table and starts talking to the people on the other line. He talks and talks and talks but I don’t hear anything he says because my volume is off. Finally, he ends the phone call and I turn up my volume a bit.
“Okay, they are sending officers out there. They are doing some kind of surprise attack on them so don’t get startled. I’m staying on here with you the entire time though okay? Then they are taking you home.” He says.
“Do you think they will take me up to the hospital to see you?” I ask.
“No Katniss. You go home tonight and find some rest if you can. Then maybe tomorrow your mom can DRIVE you here.” He says.
“But I want to see you.” I complain.
“I want to see you too, but you need to go home.” He says sternly.
“But maybe-” I start to say but I’m cut off by a loud bang upstairs. I can tell by the look on Peeta’s face that he heard it too. He puts his finger to his lips to signal me to be quiet. I nod.
“Go to the darkest corner of the room.” He whispers in the phone and I trust him, so I do. There are more noises upstairs and I am figuring the police at there. But when the door opens and I see Snow. He looks around but doesn’t see me.
“Where are you?” He asks evilly stepping down. I hold my breath and cover the screen of my phone so Peeta is looking at darkness. I turn off the volume.
“It was a mistake calling the police Katniss because if I go down, you are coming with me.” He says walking around looking for me. I don’t move. I look up at the door and see a policeman.
“Get on the ground! You have the right to remain silent! Everything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law! Hands behind your head now!” The police yell. I hear a scream and recognize it as Glimmer’s.
“Let her go!” I hear Marvel yell. I ignore them and watch as more police form at the little door. I was so focused by them, I didn’t notice Snow had moved and I can’t see him anymore. Then I feel his hand wrap around my mouth and I am pulled backwards. I scream as loud as I can and make as much noise to attract the attention of the police. It works because they shoot in my direction. A few bullets must hit Snow because he releases his hold on me. I try to run toward the police, but I notice a sharp pain in my leg. I scream as my fingers run down to my shin and I feel the slick, warm blood on my fingers. When I do this, I catch site of my phone that is still in my hands. Peeta must have seen Snow and is freaking out. I pull it up to my face and I see his worried expression. He also seems to be yelling something but I can’t hear him because the volume is still down. I turn it up and I am flushed with questions and orders.
“Katniss! What happened? Are you okay? Did Snow hurt you? Find the police! Get to the police Katniss!” He says frantically. I nod and find my way to the police as best as I can. I can smell the blood and I feel light headed. I can still faintly hear Peeta. And just before everything turns black, I can smell the strong scent of roses.

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