Chapter Nine

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“So are you stalking me again?” I ask him.
“I was never stalking you.” He says.
“So last night, you just happened to be walking in the woods at the same time I was with Peeta?” I ask coldly.
“Well, you can’t blame someone for being pissed. I mean, I am your boyfriend and you are with another guy.” He says.
“Yeah, we need to talk about that.” I say quietly.
“What’s there to talk about?” He asks.
“I just… don’t think this is going to work out. I don’t think WE are good for each other.” I say.
“You aren’t breaking up with me, are you?” He says and I nod.
“I just don’t think we are good for each other anymore.” I say.
“You wouldn’t be saying that if Mellark hadn’t got in the picture. Dumb bakers always ruin things.” He says.
“Have you ever given thought that Peeta might be better for me anyway? Have you ever even thought about what makes me happy?” I ask.
“So it’s all about you? What makes you happy? So, I’m just supposed to let you be happy while I suffer is that it?” He asks.
“If you honestly cared about me it would be.” I say.
“Well then, I guess I don’t care about you enough. That should change.” He says. Huh?
“What do you mean?” I ask.
“You will need someone soon. When dough boy is out of the way, you will want me. You will want me to care for you again, even if it’s just a little.” He says.
“You wouldn’t dare.” I say slowly through gritted teeth.
“Try me.” He says.
“Stay away from him Gale. I love him more than you, so just leave it at that.” I say harshly.
“You wouldn’t have said that a week ago. Or even yesterday morning when you wanted to take the long way to your locker.” He says smirking.
“Gale stop! Just go. I need to check on Peeta. He has a broken ankle. Thanks to a certain stalker of mine.” I say.
“It could be a lot worse. At least he is still alive.” He says. He turns around but yells over his shoulder. “For now.” He says running off. I sigh. I know Gale wouldn’t kill Peeta, he is just mad. He might try to hurt Peeta again though. I make it my responsibility to watch out for Peeta and make sure he is safe. I turn and run toward his house again. I knock 2 times when I get there. Peeta should be expecting me, but his dad answers.
“Ah, so this is the ding dong ditcher. You know my wife was pretty upset. She likes her T.V time.” He says grinning and letting me in.
“I’m sorry. I just needed to speak with Peeta and, I will be honest, I was afraid to ask her.” I say.
“Ah, I can understand that. But she won’t hurt someone else’s kid.” He says leading me to the living room. Someone ELSE’S kid? But she would hurt her own? I hope Peeta doesn’t get hurt because of last night. I walk in the living room to find Peeta napping on the couch.
“He told me everything. Thank you for helping him.” He says.
“It was nothing really. I wanted to help him.” I say. Mr. Mellark turns around and leaves the room. I go over to where Peeta is on the couch. I grab the blanket from the back of a rocking chair and put it over him. Even though it’s April, it’s still pretty cold outside. He has a T-shirt and shorts on. He needs long sleeves on, but all I can give him now is a blanket. I’m afraid to grab his hand though. His dad said he told him everything, but I’m not sure if that actually meant everything. It could mean the fight between Gale and Peeta last night, or it could mean from yesterday morning. It could mean the later, but I don’t want to take that chance. The sleep syrup must have made him really tired, because even though he slept for 8 hours last night, he sleeps another hour here on the couch. I hear him, one time, say something in his sleep. It sounded almost like he said my name, but I can’t be sure. About 20 minutes later, I hear him again. This time, I am positive he said my name. 5 minutes later, I hear him again.
“Katniss.” He whispers. I smile thinking of him possibly dreaming about me right now. I’m not sure what wakes him; I hope it wasn’t me, but he slowly opens his eyes and he focuses them on my face.
“Well that’s something beautiful to wake up to.” He says sweetly.
“Well, I have been waiting.” I say.
“For how long?” He asks.
“About an hour. Maybe a little longer.” I say.
“You didn’t have to do that. You could have stayed at home longer.” He says.
“I would have been bored. I would have had nothing to do. I would rather stay here and watch you sleep.” I tell him. “You know you talk in your sleep?” I ask.
“I do? What do I say?” He asks.
“Uh…” I say blushing.
“Come on Katniss, what do I say?” He asks again. He leans his head close to me so that our foreheads are touching. His nose is just a small movement from mine and is lips only an inch away.
“Uh… you say…” I start but I’m finding it harder to breathe and my chest feel tight. I finally say it though. “You say my name.” I finish with my last breath. I can’t talk anymore. He is so close to me. I can almost feel warmth radiating off of him. He puts his hands on my cheeks.
“That actually doesn’t surprise me.” He says smiling.
“It doesn’t?” I ask.
“Usually people sleep talk about what they are dreaming about.” He says and I blush again. He takes his hands off my cheeks and grabs both of mine. He lifts them and places them behind his head and I play with his hair. He rests his hands as far down on my hips as he feels comfortable. This is the closest I have ever been to him. And the longest. I slowly close my eyes and slowly lean in. He leans too and just before our lips meet, we hear footsteps. I sigh and Peeta pulls away from me.
“I can always count on a family member ruining things.” He says shaking his head. He is right, because his mother walks in.

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