Tony X Reader

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You rolled your eyes as you tried to clean the coffee off your new blue dress shirt. You really liked this shirt, but now it was ruined. Oh well you could get a new one. That asshole Tony Stark had done this to you. He probably did it on purpose. Who accidently spills coffee on people these days. Not a good way to make a first impression. You sighed and told yourself just to forget it. It wasn't worth it....

You began to fix you hair while you were in the bathroom, it was a little dripping with coffee too. You were lucky it was cold coffee and not hot. --

Yours eyes shot to the door naturally as someone came in. You expected some female to walk by and use the restroom, you being forced to listen to them urinate, but to your surprise you saw him. Your eyes narrowed into slits. "Mr. Stark get out of here, this is the woman's restroom." Your voice was soft although you wanted to yell at him. But you were a well trained woman. Polite when needed. Although you thought you didn't need it right now.

"(y/n), right? Well my building, my restrooms, I do what I want." He smirked and walked behind you handing you some more paper towels. You shook your head but took them anyway hoping that your shirt could be salvaged. "Sorry about that by the way." he said but you heard him chuckle and knew he didn't mean it. You didn't care either way. In a few minutes you could leave and forget about the jerk.

"I understand Mr. Stark, that you did not like my presentation, but still gives you no right to spill any beverage on my chest." You said now feeling sticky. You took a deep breath. This would all be over soon. You could go home and watch Park and Recs soon enough.

"Oh quite the opposite. I loved your speech, in fact, that's why I... I mean why I bumped into you." he said. You looked in the mirror and saw his sly smirk as he stepped closer to you leaning against the counter. "I have a proposal for you." He said and leaned closer taking a deep breath in then chuckling. "Damn, you smell great." He referred to the coffee smell all over you. You only playfully glared.

Your anger had melted as he told you that he had a proposal for you. That's all you needed. Leak your way into the company and take out the man in charge. After all aren't that what secret agents do?

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