Bilbo X Reader

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You were happily picking flowers in the shire. It was a beautiful day, why not be picking flowers? It was quiet, just what you liked. Perhaps you made plans to read a book, or sun bathe. But before you could there was a great commotion. Your eyes shot south, a young hobbit running as fast as he could. You watched a moment before following. He seemed a little frantic. Weird.

You followed him to a hobbit hole. His home it looked like. There was an auction going on. You realized who the hobbit was, although you had never met him. It was Bilbo Baggins. You stared as he began to holler that all these things were his and he would appreciate if everything was put back. Bilbo had been gone for a very long time... or so rumor was told. You heard he had been on an adventure. What Hobbit did that! You were intrigued.

Other hobbits grumbled and began to carry things back inside and fix his home back up. You didn't want to get in the way as you tucked your hair behind your ear. You began to walk yourself home.

You got home and your little sister had this very expensive looking necklace. You began to ask her where she got it. After all she had no job, and couldn't afford it herself. You just hoped she didn't steal it... She then began to explain how she got it from the auction, a man had given it to her. You shook your head and told her to give it to you. That belonged to Mr. Baggins, he deserved all his stuff back. You glanced out side. It was almost dusk but you made your way back to the others hobbit hole.

You looked at the circle green door that was Bilbo's. You knocked and waited for him to answer. Your gaze down as you looked at the necklace. It was so pretty. You heard a low mumble as the door opened. "No more visitors, please get!" his voice was raised and clearly annoyed. You jumped a little and stepped back to apologize. But he saw you were female and softened his voice "forgive me. Please come in. Let me make you tea to make up for the shout." He said to make up for his error.

You nodded and stepped in. It was getting cold out so the warmth welcomed you. "Thank you, but you don't have to make me tea. I just wanted to bring you your necklace back." You handed to him. You blushed softly as your hands brushed. He was a very handsome hobbit. And the adventurous side of him interested you.

"Thank you so much. That was my grandmother's. It means a lot to me." He held it in his hands and smiled. "Are you sure you want tea, perhaps I should walk you home? Its cold out. You can borrow my over coat." He said being polite and was trying to make a better impression on you.

You blushed a little more and nodded. He handed you his jacket. It was a little lose on you but you liked it. He stepped out and began to walk you. Your gaze low because you didn't want him To see you blush. "My names Bilbo by the way. And yourself?" He said wanting to know the pretty girls name.

"(Y/n)." You said blushing.

He walked you home and at the door he asked if you wanted to have tea tomorrow. You nodded with a blush again.

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