Sherlock X Reader Part 3

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It was only around 7:36 when you had sat down to read a book. You wanted a nice relaxed evening after Sherlock had left. What a crazy man. You were intrigued though at the same time- the man was smart, oddly smart, and perspective. You liked that. Your mind trailed to other things he had mentioned. People coming. That was insane. You sat drinking tea and reading your book. No more stress and worry. Just reading and letting your mind ease away.


You were about on the 5th chapter of your book when you heard a sound outside. Your eyes lifted up as you listened. The scenes in your book still going through your mind. Mystery and murder. You loved it. Then another sound outside your door. You marked your page and put the book down. You took a deep breath to cover your fear. You began to think about what Sherlock said. Was he right? The man was smart. You grabbed the first thing you could which was a trophy you won in the third grade. It was heavy and long. It would make a great weapon. You began to pace around quietly. Then you smelt something.

You turned your nose up and smelt something like smoke. Your eyebrow raised as you turned seeing that a corner of your flat was on fire. You quickly went to the sink getting a big pitcher to put it out. You filled it with water. Smoke was already beginning to fill the room. You coughed and you were about to put the fire out when you turned and saw a bigger fire behind you. It seemed that someone was starting fires all over. But no one was in the room with you, you had no basement. This was impossible. You moved as quickly as you could with the water, but the sink wouldn't turn on. The water was out. The heat began to make you sweat. You panted in smoke. You coughed harder as you began to get light headed. You didn't do well with smoke. Any type. In some forms it was your weakness.

You stumbled. You had to get out. You tried to get to the door and get out. You had to go back to get your book though. You wanted to know how it ended. But the smoke was too thick. You couldn't breath and you were about to fall over. Then you felt arms wrap around you and a hand over your mouth. You squirmed and saw a man in a black mask. You tried to scream up the hand over hour mouth was too tight. You were so scared.

Your eyes burned from the smoke. You couldn't breath you were going to pass out. Then right before your eyes could shut you saw Sherlock. He had a mist of smoke glooming over his hidden mouth. A breathing mask over his face. He looked the man holding you up and down once. He seemed to be analyzing him in seconds. Then Sherlock moved quickly and took him out in two moved. You didn't even see exactly what he did. But the man in black fell to the ground and you were free. Sherlock grabbed your hand to pull you outside. You finally could breath a little once outside. Your flat set to flames. Everything- you didn't know what to do. You held onto Sherlock. You still felt like you were going to fall over.

You looked at his face and could see the flames in his eyes as he just stared at it. You wondered what he was thinking. Your eyes watered with tears. You were lucky Sherlock came back for you.

"You are coming with me to my flat." Sherlock said and you didn't have a choice. You nodded and began to walk away. You heard sirens in the back ground. Your eyes looking everywhere around you. Finally landing on a blue police box. Your mind didn't process it as you kept walking with the man who saved you.

(((PLEASE  tell me what you guys think. And vote for it if you like it. (I'm also connecting all the stories. Its crazy and fun) enjoy!))

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