Spock X Reader

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You rushed your way to class. Great, late again. This professor was going to end up kicking you out. Star Fleet was fun and all, but you couldn't afford getting booted out because your legs wouldn't carry you fast enough. You looked at your watch and saw you were gonna make it in time. You stepped in and took a seat. Your eyes scanned the place... huh, the professor wasnt even here yet. What luck. You smiled as you began to set up things for notes and such.

"Forgive me students, for my early absence, but your current professor, Professor Rock is not able to attend here for the rest of the semester, so I substituting in. My name is Mr. Spock, Professor Spock is fine. If you will please get out your Medical Terminology books, turn to page 325." the Vulcan said. Your eyes scanned over him. You hadn't seen one of his kind before and you were very intrigued. Taking out your text book you turned to the correct page and saw he had chosen a study about different diseases. Even more interesting. You eyes had began to read the chapter, although you weren't suppose too. "Please do not read ahead." He said and you felt like he was saying it just to you, and he was.

As the class passed, different sections of the chapter were read. Spock went to tell on, how he would be covering for Prof. Rock for a while. You weren't complaining. Spock seemed like a great teacher. He gave an assignment, a project really. It was an open project, the students were able to do anything they wanted with in reason. Spock had to approve it of course. You thought a moment. Why not Vulcan diseases. You, as a medical officer needed to learn about other species and such. With Spock being a Vulcan, you could probably get his help, and more information easier. It seemed like a wise decision. You took out your Padd and took notes and such, writing down different things. You walked your way up to his desk. You handed him your Padd.

You watched his eyes look over it. His pointed brow raised a little and you were worried he wouldn't let you. But to your surprised he looked up and nodded handing back the Padd to you. "It is interesting you would chose that topic, if you need any assistance feel free to ask myself." He said with a nod dismissing you back to your seat. You smiled and headed back. You began to look up different diseases. There was one that caught your eye. Prisduen. Found most common in young male Vulcans. You wondered if Spock had been tested, You were sure he could give you information you needed. So after class was dismissed you made your way up to him.

"Professor Spock?" You waited for him to look at you. Then your eyes moved down to your Padd. "Prisduen, I can only assume you've been tested." You were about to go on but he cut you off. 

"No actually I was not. Since I am not pure Vulcan I was never tested." He explained and you were taken back by the statement. He looked very Vulcan to you. "My mother human, like yourself, but perhaps that may benefit you. You could run a test on me for your project," he said and for a second you thought you saw his lips curl into a smile. Maybe he really was half human.

"Thank you Professor. I'll make sure and do that." You reached out your hand to shake his. But he just stared at you. You slowly took your hand back.

"Forgive my rudeness to your gratitude. But Vulcan fingers and such are sensitive. But you are welcome." He said gathering his stuff to leave. You nodded and began to jot out with a small smile. This was probably going to be your favorite class

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