chapter 7 849's plan

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  "No I won't accept your offer" Griffin said "ok next time we'll see who wins" answered the spirit and the spirit disappeared. Griffin woke up just as the loudspeaker said "start mining now." he walked slowly towards the mining part of the canyon. The news was passed out 24 kids died a new sickness had been created Griffin had it but surprisingly he did not die!

 Griffin decided not to tell 124 about his crazy dreams, his pickaxe hit the rock but not like other day this time his pick bounced off the ground hitting 849! "849 what are you doing here? I thought you were dead!" 849 started to create a phoenix that started to stray fire out of his mouth. 124 leaped to action made a wave crash down on the phoenix. The phoenix disappeared 849 started to dash towards a alley.

  I'll get back at them thought 849 as he ran towards the end of the ravine he disappeared into the shadow of the big oak tree that demons called their "lookout tower". 849 planned out his attack first he was going to raid the demons' weapon storage room looking for a piece of metal like Griffin's.He slid the piece of metal on a string and headed out to murder 124 and make Griffin possessed by the spirit that tried to possess Griffin.

  Griffin's pick bounced of a element called depletetonium Griffin didn't know the properties of this element it made Griffin's pendulum glow and a design that look like a eye automatically the spirit's influence became stronger. Griffin fell onto the floor of his chamber and you couldn't tell if he was dead or asleep. He found himself in a maze with a language written on the wall he saw the spirit saying "If you give into the power of the shadow pendulum you can go home or do you hate you're old planet earth so much you want to stay here? Griffin started to wake up.             

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