08: Scruffy Lookin'

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Leia had never known of any family on Tatooine, but they were family none the less. She hoped they would help her at least. 

 As the ship soared towards the darkness of space, Leia watched sadly at the destruction of her home; Coruscant. The city-planet had been her home for seven years. Would she ever return to their apartment and enjoy a family meal in the dining room? Another game of chase though the halls? She didn't know. 

Maybe she would wake up and find herself in her bed, Luke sleeping across the hall...
Wishful thinking. And right now, wishes were not being granted. She didn't know if wishes would be granted again. Leia doubted it. 

"Daddy, how long should the flight take?" Leia looked up at her father, yawning. 

"It'll be a couple of hours, sweetheart..I'm sorry. I would have brought something for you, had I known. We can stop somewhere to get some supplies if we're quick." Anakin told her, and Leia nodded.

Time slowed down, and soon Leia was fast asleep in her father's arms.

In her dreams, Leia saw a young boy on the ground, screaming violently. The boy rolled around on the floor in torment, and Leia wanted desperately to comfort him. Little snippets of vision flew by her. A cloaked man hovering over a figure, the same screams ringing out. Soldiers in white, standing by and watching a woman cry, more screams cascading through the air.

"Mommy!" Leia shouted as she shot forward, but banged her head on the cold metal and reality hit her hard. She was in her father's Jedi Starfighter, approaching Tatooine after her family had been taken and Coruscant attacked.

"No Leia..just me," her father's soothing voice rang out, bringing her a sliver of peace. "Are you okay, my Princess?" Anakin looked down in worry. Leia only shook her head, and buried her face in his Jedi robes, letting her tears soak the fabric. She could sense his worry for her as they flew through hyperspace. 

"We're approaching Alderaan," another Jedi spoke, his voice sounding throughout the speaker. Anakin turned the nose down, heading for the blue-green planet. 

"Why are we going to Alderaan?" Leia lifted her face from the safety of his shoulder, frowning. "I thought we were going to Tatooine. Daddy?"

"While you were asleep we decided to stop and find some new transport. Everything we're in is too recognizable," her father explained softly and she nodded. She jolted as they exited hyperspace. 

Finally, the beautiful surface of Alderaan came into view. The other Jedi's ships flew by the viewport, heading towards the landing space.

Once everyone had exited their ships, the strange group made their way to a small town. Anakin grabbed her hand, holding her close. "I have some credits. Why don't we go get some clothes other than the Jedi robes?" Her father looked down at her, offering her a smile.

Leia nodded, and they walked towards a little shop. Her father chose simple robes for himself, and a blue simple dress for her. After changing, they bought some food and made their way back to the ships.

Nearby a holo-screen rambled on, and the Jedi watched with rapt attention. She could see now that there were only a few of them, such as Ki-Adi Mundi, Yoda, Aayla Secura, and Obi-Wan. "-Jedi Temple has been destroyed, all souls believed to be lost." Images of the once-beautiful temple were paraded across the screen, then images of a burning Coruscant. 

"We're the only ones left..." Obi-Wan whispered in shock, pressing his fingers to his lips. Beside him, Yoda hummed forlornly. 

"Great, today's losses have been. To Dagobah, I will go, I think," Yoda said sadly and the others nodded. 

"I will return to Tatooine with Anakin and then continue the search for Padme and Luke," Obi-Wan said, and the others soon voiced their own opinions. In the end, Obi-Wan was to be the only one to accompany them, and they parted ways.

Suddenly, a howl was let loose in the air. "Quiet, Chewie!" A boy's voice hissed. More howling came in response. A boy and a tall hairy figure ran into the clearing, but froze when they saw the Jedi.

"I have a bad feeling about this.." The boy muttered. His eyes looked over the Jedi and then finally met hers.

"Who're you, you scruffy looking nerf-herder!" She shouted, earning a look from her father. 

"Who's scruffy lookin'!?" The boy looked offended. Leia glared at him, and her father angled himself in front of her protectively. "Fine. I'm Han Solo," the boy said gruffly.

"And this is Chewbacca," the boy said gesturing to the giant fur ball. "I told you who I am, now who're you?" Han looked her over. "Leia Skywalker." She responded, looking Han in the eye despite the height difference.

"Skywalker? Real likely, Princess," Han laughed mockingly. 

"And why's that?" Anakin practically growled at Han, who's gaze merely hardened. 

"Well, I'll be heading back to my ship-" Han and the wookie started to turn, but Anakin stopped them.

 "Ship? Could we possibly..uh, borrow it?" He asked cautiously. 

"No one pilots the Millennium Falcon but me! No way!" Han shouted.

"We can pay you..and you can still pilot the ship." Her father held out credits, and Han looked at the money hungrily. Her father smirked. 

"Deal," he said immediately, grabbing at the credits. "This way," Han waved towards the forest, and the strange group set off. Leia's father hefted her up into his arms and she rested her cheek on his shoulder. 

"So, who are you, really?" Han asked as they trekked through the trees. 

"I'm Anakin Skywalker, and this is my daughter, Leia," her father answered and Leia could hear him whistle. 

"The princess wasn't lying then. I thought I recognized you. If you're the Hero With No Fear, then your pal here must be Obi-Wan Kenobi, the negotiator," Han said, and Obi-Wan hummed in affirmation. 

A ship that looked like scrap metal came into view. "This is a piece of junk!" Leia's father scoffed at the exterior, earning a glare from Solo. 

"I've outrun those turn-coat clones! She is the best ship around!" Han defended hotly, and walked up the ramp. The wookie howled and then hastily followed.

Once everyone was boarded, Leia sat on one of the beds in a secluded room. A hiss sounded throughout, signaling the opening door. "We're in hyperspace now. So, what's with the trip to Tatooine?" Han sat down beside her.

"Daddy wants to get away from the bad men. We're trying to find my mom and brother, they were kidnapped.." Leia said solemnly. Han nodded, and swiftly brushed a piece of hair out her face, handing her some food. 

"I'm sure you'll find your family. Until then, stay adorable," Han smirked, then left the room. Sighing, Leia laid down to sleep.

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May the force be with you-

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