Vanessa POV

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We kept going on the road and with each turn came a new enemy to kill. Walkers, walkers, and more Walkers. Everywhere never seem to leave never seem to show up at the right time. We seemed to be going on this road forever every so often stopping and looking for supplies. "Hey dad look down there" I say. We had finally stopped at a old building which apparently had a food supply crate in the bottom. "Good that's our target" dad says. "What about the Walkers around it" I say. "Work our way through them"dad finally says. We both look at each other and hop down, immediately the Walkers turn around and come toward us. The ground was full of water and slush mixed with walker scum. When we first stumbled upon this place we could smell it from a mile away. "Ready dad?" I say. "Yeppp" dad says in the most country voice ever. Something to light the mood I suppose. We both began towards them in a fast manner. I was still using my machete but I was starting to learn how to use the bow. Right now though it was best to use the machete. The more we went and stabbed them the more that seem to come out of nowhere. There are more than we expected I say in my mind. Dad seems to be overwhelmed by them. Five begin to gang up on him at once and he disappears behind a corner. "Dad" I whisper. I hear a few splashes then see . come from behind the wall. "I'm alright" dad says while out of breath. I nod then start to look around on the shelves in the area. I look over to see dad looking down. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Uhh nothing" dad begins. I shake my head and keep looking around. I find a few can of beans and some water bottles. Once we are done we then begin our way back up to the bus. Dad seems out of it for some reason like he is thinking about something. I shake it off as dad begins to start the bus. 

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