Reese's POV

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I ran through the woods as far away from the crash as I could get.
After about five minutes of running I stopped and leaned against a tree, my breath heavy.
Man I was hungry. I heard a crunching sound and I leapt to my feet, snatching a twig for protection. My heart leapt into my throat and I sprinted away.
I was in no shape to take on anything.
Luck must've been on my side, for I ran across a small shack. I kept my back to the wall and glanced inside. Nobody.
I slipped inside and looked around.
A small chest with a lock sat in the corner and a small bed rested in the middle of the room. Other than that, the room was completely empty.
"Someone's temporary shelter..." I muttered, taking note of the chopped wood that the hut was made out of. The very same wood that the trees outside were.
I bit my nail, thinking about my options.
There were multiple outcomes.
1. The person that lived here was taken by the undead.
2. The person that lived here went to get something and is coming back this very moment.
3. The person that lived here ditched the place and isn't coming back.
I figured the third one wasn't true. The bed was made out of clothes attached to the wooden base. I didn't think anyone would leave clothes behind.
I bent down next to the chest and tried to lift the lid. Locked.
I groaned. I ripped a loose piece of wood from the bed and used it to pry the lock off.
I opened the chest and felt extremely relieved.
I dug out a hip length messenger bag, a couple bags of trail mix, two water bottles, a damaged Japanese Katana, and a wad of cash.
I was about to shut the chest when I noticed some markings carved into the side.
Walkers Killed: 15
I raised an eyebrow. Walkers? I heard rustling behind me and I swept everything except the katana into the satchel. I slung the bag over my shoulder and peeked out. Nobody.
I sighed, running a hand through my long auburn hair. Am I going crazy? Probably.
I stepped back in and began stripping the clothes off the bed. Admittedly not the most attractive clothes, they were men's clothes in fact. But it's not like I was aiming to impress anyone. Unless a 'walker'- as the owner of the house referred them as- is only going to let me go if I'm a model. Let's hope that doesn't happen.
I was mid-pack when I heard a louder rustling. Someone HAS to be here.
I leapt to my feet and out the door.
I raised my katana, eyeing my surroundings.
"Who are you?" I hear a female ask.
I jumped, swinging my katana in no general direction. It flies out of my hand and onto the grass.
I hear a laugh and I turn to face a girl, around my age with long dirty blonde hair. Her face is dirty and she is carrying a slingshot.
I slowly back away, in the direction of my katana.
"I should be asking you the same thing." I say, keeping one eye on her and another on the rested weapon on the ground.
I'm about to pick it up when she yells and shoots her slingshot. A fairly large rock flies by my head and I duck.
"What the heck? Why would you do that?" I yell.
She merely points behind me and I turn in enough time to see a walker fall to the ground.
She slips the slingshot into her belt loop and eyes me up and down.
I gulp.
"I'm not going to hurt you." She says simply, walking over to the katana and picking it up. She examines it, then tosses it to me.
I barely manage to catch it and I grip it tight.
"What's your name?" She asks, glancing around.
"Reese..." I mutter.
"Cool. Mine is Mckenzie."
I hear yelling and I jump, raising my weapon.
Mckenzie reaches out and lowers my arm, then runs forward to greet 2 boys.
"Mck...we thought we lost you." One said, panting.
Mckenzie shrugs.
"Who is she?" The other one says, narrowing his eyes.
I walk forward, standing next to Mckenzie.
"The name's Reese." I say, twirling the katana in my hand.
The boy chuckles. "I'm Dylan-" he gestures to the other boy,"and that's Kevin."
I nod. "Well it's nice meeting you guys. But I need to head off." I said.
"Woah woah. You're going alone?" Kevin asks.
"Why not?" I say, walking a few paces before I'm turned around.
I'm face to face with Mckenzie now.
"You can't go out there alone. Come stick with us."
"Thanks...but I'm a lone wolf."
She shakes her head. "You don't understand. The walkers may seem slow and weak. But when there is a pack of them? You have no chance. It's better to stay with a group."
She referred to them as walkers. I guess that's what everyone calls them.
"Thanks but...I'm better off on my own." I said, turning and walking away.
"I am not letting you get eaten." Mckenzie scoffed. I heard footsteps behind me and I sighed.
I guess they were giving me no choice.
"Kev, Dylan! Hurry up!" She yelled at the two boys behind her.
"He shoved me over!" Dylan whined, ramming into Kevin.
Kevin fell over but managed to drag Dylan down with him.
"Hurry up!" Mckenzie yelled. "She's leaving!"
The two boys scrambled to their feet, mumbling rude remarks to one another.
I sighed. Why did I have to be stuck with this group?

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