The kiss

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I ran up to my room remembering the kiss we just had.I walked into my room and seen some new clothes mum had brought me.Also their was a note attached to it saying

Dear Hilary,it's mum.i have to fly to Sydney just for a week so your dad has to take you to school and he will be home later.Bought you some nice clothes xx

I looked down at the clothes she had bought me,they were a pair of creme high heels,a white crop top,some height waisted pink shorts and a new hair straightener,oh how did I love my mum.I tried on my crop top with the height waisted shorts and it looked so pretty together,I heard a tap at my window,I went over and seen Luke looking out directly from his.

"You look pretty amazing,but next time when your getting dressed don't forget to close the blinds" I seen he checked me out so I gave him a flirty smile and blushed.

"Here's my number,message me" I said as I blew a dramatic kiss to him and shut my window and blinds.

I went over and changed into some high waisted black shorts and a floral top.I then got a message from Luke saying:

Lukey:Hey babe (;

Sophie:Hey Lukey (:

Lukey:What are you doing tonight?

Sophie:Nothing,dads at work till late and mums in Sydney.

Lukey:You wanna come over later?

Sophie:Sure :) I just have to clean up and I will be around soon x

Lukey:Why don't I come over yours so we can be alone

Sophie:Lol ok Why?

Lukey:I like your company xx

Sophie:So do I (:

Lukey:do you have twitter/Facebook or Instagram?

Sophie:Yeah all of them but I don't go on Facebook anymore.

Lukey:Follow me on twitter @lukebrooks and Instagram @lukebrooksofficial

Sophie:You know I'm a fan of you boys so I'm already following you,I asked you to follow me before but you never answered...

Lukey:Im sorry,I have alot of people asking me and I have like no time to follow anyone.Give me your twitter name and Instagram (;

Sophie:It's ok,I'm totally over it now.twitter:Sophiee_Mitchell and Instagram:Soph_ie (;

Lukey:Followed you (; you know your like my best friend now? Xx

Sophie:hehe really?well your my bestie too (: Why were you staring at me in class earlier?

Lukey:because your cute and the most beautiful girl I have ever seen,sorry if it was creepy but I really like you.




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