Drives me

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Gina offered me to stay and have some pasta bake she made

"Thank you Gina for letting me stay" I smiled as I ate the dinner

"No problem darl" she replied nicely

"So what's up with you Luke?being all quiet" Beau asked winking at Luke which made him blush

"Ohhh lovers in the air" beau wolf whistled

"Shut the fuck up!" Luke yelled and smiled looking at me


After dinner Luke suggested driving me home.

We were now in my drive way.

"See you tomorow?" Luke asked

"Sure' I laughed

"What's so funny Soph?" He asked grinning

"It's just that today was really fun" I laughed

"We'll im glad you had fun spending time with ME" he giggled

"I had lots of fun Brooks" I smiled opening the door.

I turned to face him as he grabbed his hands and placed them on the sides of my cheeks and pressed his lips on mine.I smiled as we pulled back

"Love you" I replied

"Love you more" he said licking his lips.

I ran upstairs and got changed into my pyjamas.I went onto twitter to see some new notifications,I tweeted

Sophie_mitchells:Had the best day today with my long lost friend @lukebrooks 💕

I read beaus latest tweets,Lately I've never understanded his tweeted and what they meant.

A message popped up from Luke

Luke:Hey babe (:

Sophie:Heyyy,I'm glad things are back to normal again.

Luke:Yeah me too.Wanna catch up tomorow?Wanna go to the beach with the boys x

Sophie:Yeah ok,sounds fun!

Luke:Can't wait to see you babe 😘😘

Sophie:Me either Lukey!😍

The Janoskians a Luke brooks fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now