Chapter 9

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I woke up to the smell of freshly cooked pancakes.Mum walked in the room handing me the plate of pancakes with a fruit bowl and a coffee."Thanks mum" I said in a sleepily voice.After I ate my pancakes I had a quick 5 minute shower and put on a floral pink dress and applied some foundation and lipgloss.I curled my hair at the ends and put it in a high pony tail,I grabbed my golden shoes and put them on.I went over to my window and tapped on the glass hoping that Luke would hear,Luke finally heard after 6 minutes of me screaming "Hey babe,why are you up so early?" He asked as he rubbed his eyes "Luke it's 8:00 am,that isn't early" I giggled at him "come over here I need to give you something" he gave me a cute smile "I will be there in a second" I closed my window and walked out of the house.

When I knocked on the Brooks brothers house Gina opened the door "Hi I'm Sophie I'm Luke and Jai's friend" I gave her a friendly smile "Im Gina,you have been talked about a lot!" She brang me into a hug "Luke's in his bedroom with Jai" she let me inside the house.I walked into Luke and Jai's bedroom and then I seen Jai crying I instantly ran over to him

"Jai are you ok? What's wrong" I asked as I put my arm around him

"I thought you loved me,you could've told me about you and Luke" he shook my arm off of him and stormed out of the room.

"Luke I can't do this" I went over to sit with Luke on the top bed (It's a bunk bed)

"Sophie don't worry,you look really beautiful as always" he kissed me passionately and it felt nice.

"Luke no,I will have to deal with Jai every time I come over here and I just...... I can't anymore I'm sorry" I ran out of the house before anyone could stop me.I back home and then locked myself in my room.I laid down on my comfy bed and cleared my mind.I knew I couldn't stay in my room forever but I just knew that I couldn't go back there again.

~~~~A week later~~~

It was Thursday and I hadn't gone back to the Brooks brothers house.i had been staying in my room for days and mum has been quiet concerned to why I wouldn't come out of my room or eat.I know I was lucky,like the luckiest girl in the world to have been with Luke.But I'm just really depressed right now and I hope he gets that I just need a break.


Thanks for reading Lovely's xx

The Janoskians a Luke brooks fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now