Chapter 30

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It started getting dark and the night air sat in.We all huddled around the camp fire with blankets wrapped around us,me and Luke were snuggled together in this warm blanket.We each got a stick and a Marsh mallow on the end and roasted them.

Kate and Beau started walking towards us from the distance with a cheeky grin on each other's face.Kate ran over to me and started whispering all these things they did.Including skinny dipping,making out,having 'amazing' sex,laying down with him in the moon light trust me I didn't even want to know this.

"That's a bit to much information " I laughed "We'll he's just amazing OMG" she grinned

"We're dating know I think" she giggled "Cool" I mumbled "I think were like friends with benefits to"

"Why do you think that?" I asked "We'll he said that we had good sex and he enjoys it like I enjoyed it and he thinks we should do it more often and stuff" she blushed .she started getting all giggly like little girls do on their first date.

"Isn't that like you and Luke?" She asked,I nearly chocked "what the fuck?!hell no! We actually love each other" I yelled a bit to loud for everyone to stop and stare.

She gave me a sad and annoyed look.

"Who said we don't like each other?are you calling me a slut!" She shouted.By know Luke looked so confused and so did Beau.Kate got up and ran into the darkness with Beau following behind her.Luke gave me a stern look.

"Babe I didn't do anything wrong!" I mumbled He kissed my forehead and hugged me tightly

"Soph I know she's a bitch" he laughed " not just that.....i think she's using Beau" I mumbled.

Kate's POV----

Beaus just so hot and sexy and good at everything!!!i actually don't have feelings for him though....yeah go ahead say I'm a bad person but I get lonely sometimes and I know Sophie hates me for some reason idk why.I ran through the bushes and past the park where I sat on the swings.

"Vicky!" Beau yelled running from the distance "Don't call me that!" I sternly yelled

"Sorry" he spoke "What did Soph say?" He asked "She called me a slut" I mumbled

"Why?" I paused "I might've told her about what we did...." I trailed off,Beau started swearing and walking back and forth.


"W-what do you mean!" I questioned ,"you came onto me!were not together,we will never be" he shouted before running back home.

"FUCK YOU DICK HEAD!!!!" I screamed really loud so the whole street could here.


I really hate this chapter,might delete it and start over

The Janoskians a Luke brooks fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now