Chapter 10

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I heard a knock at my door "Im not coming out mum,I already told you!" I yelled out

"It's not your mum it's me Luke,can I come in?" He replied through the door

"Sure" I walked over to the door and unlocked it and let him in.

"So how have you been?" I asked him trying or to make things a bit awkward

"Yeah alright,but I miss you" he gave me a slight smile.

"Lukey I still love you,I just needed space.You know some time to think" I fiddled with my hands and stared at my feet

"Yeah I needed a break too,but I realised that I can't live without you Soph." He leaned in and our lips met,It felt magical and nice seeing that we haven't kissed in like a week!

"I missed that" he whispered

"Me too".


I woke up later that day to see Luke staring at me

"Creepy much" I gave him a smile as I stretched my arms out and yawned

"You know you love it!" He gave me a cheeky wink

"Shutup" I spat back while kissing his lips.

"So what would you like for dinner Princess?" He asked me laying his head on my chest.

"Chicken salad?if that's possible" I gave him the puppy eyes and he couldn't resist

"Ok baby,macdonalds has salads right?" I just laughed at him hysterically and he just stared blankly at me.

"What's so funny babe?" He asked looking confused,

"Macdonalds salads aren't fresh Baby,the corner shop down he street are fresher" he kissed me on the cheek and ran out the door taking his keys and driving to the corner shop to get me my salad.'Oh boy how I love Luke' I said to myself.


Thanks for reading :P

Stay perfect

The Janoskians a Luke brooks fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now