Read bottom of page!!!its important in a way 💕💕
"Guys I think I'm gonna go to sleep"I said yawning "aww party pooper"Jai laughed "hey!I'm tired ok?"
"Whatever!you're missing out though"Daniel called out "Yeah I'm getting tired as well"Luke fake yawned.
"Seriously?man Luke you use to be fun"Jai laughed "Hey I'm still fun I'm just a good boyfriend"he smiled
He grabbed hold of my hand and we both walked up to the bedroom,I got changed into Luke's oversized t shirt and took of my pants. I laid next to Luke cuddling up to his warm body,I rested my head on his bare chest.
"Luke...."I mumbled "yeah?"he answered back "Do you want ever?"I asked,there was a silent pause for a moment before he spoke,
"Yeah I guess...when I get older though'he replied "Do you?"he asked me "of course!I've always wanted kids"I smiled
"Ok"he mumbled "Luke are you ok?"I said turning to face him even though I couldn't see him in this darkness.
"Yeah why?"he chuckled "I can feel you're heart beating fast into my back"I giggled running my hands through his hair and kissing his chest.
"I'm just scared you'll want kids soon and then I won't have the time.."he whispered in my ear.
I hope I'm not pressuring him into anything!i don't wanna have kids know obviously but maybe when I get older with Luke or with another person I'm with then yeah I'll have kids.With Luke I just wanna take things slow and nice so we don't get pressured into anything or name stupid mistakes well regret.
"Luke..I don't want kids know"I breathed "Yeah I know but I'm just saying the thought of losing someone is scary"he mumbled,I could hear him whimper maybe he was crying.I hugged him tightly and cuddled into my amazing boyfriend,
"Trust me,,,you're not gonna loose me"I said
Okay yes this is a short story buttt I thought I'd upload it anyways seeing I haven't uploaded a chapter in a while so yup!xx 😘💕 read my other books and I'll be sooooo happy 😛
Kisses xx

The Janoskians a Luke brooks fan fiction
FanfictionSophie is an average teenager who moves from Queensland to Melbourne.She meets Luke Brooks from the Janoskians and instantly loves him.but will things work out?or does she even really like him.