Year later

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*** 1 year later****

Well what can I tell you?lets start with how Luke and I broke up.We got back together late last year again and he cheated on me!

It all started one month after we came back from America.I noticed that Luke had been spending a lot of time 'At home'.one night I was calling him and calling him,them i got so worried I went to his house.I knocked on the door but no one answered so I got the key from under the mat and unlocked the door.I heard moaning and groaning.I walked into Luke's bedroom and seen Luke and a random female having sex.I was gobsmacked and felt hatred towards him "I HATE YOU" I yelled and stormed out of the house leaving him and his 'girlfriend' to have fun.

I haven't heard from him since.Except for the voice mails he leaves everyday saying he loves me and that he's sorry.if he was sorry he wouldn't of don't it so screw him!i have been lonely and hurt ever since.I hate him so much,I can't even hear his name nor say it.My parents have noticed I haven't been eating or socialising like I use to.

I applied some makeup and tied my hair in a fish tail braid and put on my high waisted shorts with a black singlet.I brushed my teeth and then went onto Twitter to see what Luke had tweeted

Lukebrooks:Missing someone dearly.Acted like a dick and Im pretty much deserve it,I'm sorry I caused you so much pain babe.So just know that I love you and I always will xx

'Pathetic' I whispered to myself.I uploaded a photo of me and Ariana with the caption

Sophie_cairns:been so long since I seen @arianagrande should catch up soon.

Then 10 minutes later Ariana replied with

Ariana grande:@sophie_mitchells Yeah definitely!when you come to America next come over.

Last year Ariana and Jai also broke up aswell.I haven't really talked to Jai though.Ariana is now going out with Nathan Sykes from The Wanted.Ariana and Jai have been getting a lot of hate and the least I could do is be there for her.

I was sitting on the comfy couch in the lounge room when I came across a question from that Jai had answered

Question:Are you and Ariana over?

Answer:yes,but people shouldn't be sad over that or send hate to her or me.if she's happy then respect that xx.

I scrolled through my answers which I had 50 unanswered ones which just said

Are you on Jai's or Ariana's side? and 'Bitch' slut' whore' loser' no one likes you!'

I followed some people then decided to go to the movies By myself.

I was waiting to get my tickets when some cute guy appeared behind me.He had light blonde beach hair and crystal blue eyes.He was tanned but not to tanned and was the perfect specimen.

"Here alone?" He asked looked down.I figured he was alone too

"Ugh um...yeah" I didn't want to sound like a loser cause I was alone

"Haha I'm here alone too so you don't have to be embarrassed" he laughed which made me feel less embarrassed and also made me smile too.

"Your really beautiful" he winked which made me blush hard.

"Your red like a tomato.Its ok you don't have to be nervous around me,I'm just another person"

The fact was he want just 'another person' he was a freaking beach hottie who clearly had abs because the shirt outlined them. (;

"Sorry,your really attractive though.Heres my number" I got out some paper and a pen and wrote down my number and handed it to him "Thanks gorgeous,bye" he winked back.

I wasn't really the type of girl who gave out their numbers but I thought

'if Luke can do it,I can too'.


I watched the Conjuring which was scary!my eyes where closed for most of it.I don't think I'll be able to sleep again.

As soon as I reached home I got greeted from mum "I heard about Jai and Ariana" she spoke

"Yeah,they broke up" I sadly hated to admit "How are they going?" Mum asked concerned

"Ariana's coping but I don't know about Jai cause I haven't talked to him yet"

I felt really bad for not talking to Jai.Hes probably hurting more than Ariana is.So I will try to make an effort to call him later on.


I opened my phone to see a new message from that hot guy at the cinema

Jason waetford:Hey babe

Sophie Mitchell's:Hey,how are you? X

Jason waetford:Yeah I'm good thanks.I watched fast and the furious

Sophie Mitchell's:I watched the conjuring!scariest shit ever! ):

Jasonwaetford:how could you watch it without Someone? X

Sophie Mitchell's:I have no idea?i have guts (;

Jason waetfordYou sure do (; xx

Sophie Mitchell's:Wanna go out later in the week? (:

Jason waetford:Sure babe.x

*Buzz buzz*

'Messaged from Jai brooks' The pop up read

Jai brooks:Sophie (:

Sophie Mitchell's:Jaiiiiii!i was gonna message u later x

Jai brooks:Haha ok,I miss you );

Sophie Mitchell's:I miss you & the boys too ):

Jai brooks:Come round x

Sophie Mitchell's:Luke broke my heart Jai and I can't get over that.I gave him so many chances that what we claimed to have wasn't 'Love'.

Jai brooks:I understand (: I will come round sometime ok?

Sophie Mitchell's:Sounds good (: how are you bbi?x

Jai brooks:Heart broken,but I think I'll be ok next week (:

Sophie Mitchell's:how's Luke?

Jai brooks:sad,not acting properly.He's really lost without you.You were the only happy/good thing in his life (: xx

Was I really the only good thing in Luke's life?

I wondered.


Thanks for reading lovelys (;

In my head Jason Waetford seems pretty hot 😍😍

The Janoskians a Luke brooks fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now