The ex

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I was surprised to see My ex boyfriend Trent giving me a jerk smile."what are you doing here,your suppose to be in America" I looked at him and his smile faded."Im here to win you back Soph,I missed you so much and I can't live without you"he grabbed my hand but I shook it off "I have moved on Trent,it's time you should too" I replied strongly as I shut the door,but for some reason the door wouldn't close.I looked at the door and seen Trent's hand forcing the door back,he was to strong so I let him win "Sophie don't you worry,I will get you back whatever it takes" Just at that moment Jai came running over and then Trent ran into the distance.

"Are you ok?"Jai asked me as we sat on the couch with his arms around me

"Yeah,that was just my ex boyfriend who cheated on me and moved to America with her and he still didn't dump me yet or speak to me since,until now" I started to worry what Trent would do to me or even worse,my family and friends!

"Soph I won't let him hurt you,I will stay over tonight with you.I promise everything's gonna be alright" He kissed me softly on the cheek and we dozed off together.


When I woke up I seen I wasn't longer on the couch,I was laying in my bed with Jai beside me.His arms wrapped around my waist and his legs tangled in mine.I tried hard not to wake him up,but I didn't succeed.

"Where are you going" Jai moaned as his eyes fluttered open

"To make some breakfast" I gave him a big grin and walked downstairs.

I looked in the cupboards for some cereal but all I found was Rice Bubbles "Jai do you want rice bubbles?" I yelled upstairs "Yeah babe" he replied.While I was pouring the milk into the bowl I thought about Luke and Jai and how I just slept with Jai and the other day I slept with Luke.Am I cheating?wait...I'm such a bad friend I'm sleeping with twins and I didn't even think!it wasn't intentional.I poured the rice bubbles in the two bowls and brang them up to my room where Jai was.I gave him the bowl and he gave me a cheeky wink.

"I heard you liked me,is it true?" I ate my rice bubbles

"Ugh,yeah I really like you.Thats what the fight was about,Luke and I like you and he thinks you like me more" he stared at the ground with a plain face.

"Jai look at me,I love you's both and I don't wanna see anyone hurt ok?just know whatever happens I will always love you" I gave him a smile and lightly kissed his soft tender lips.

"Wow,we should do that more often" I giggled loudly.

After breakfast I had a shower.I got changed into my new clothes that mum had brought me which was a pair of creme high heels,a white crop top,some height waisted pink shorts.I straightened my hair with the new hair straightener and put on some light makeup.Jai went home to have a shower and get changed and I was gonna meet him back at his house.I wore a ring that my dad had given me which was Gold and had diamonds on it.I grabbed my white clutch with my iPhone,Gum,earphones and an emergency makeup kit just in case.

Once I reached the Brooks household on knocked on the door and Beau opened it up

"Hey you must be Sophie,I have heard lots about you lately" Beau greeted me in.

"I'm hoping that's a good thing'" I murmured

"For you it is but not for me seeing I have to live with these two" I started to laugh.

Just at that moment Luke walked in shirtless.Omg he looked so hot I didn't know what to say all I could get out was "Wow" ,Luke looked angry again,he went over to the counter to grab an apple so i decided to say hey

"Hey Luke I was worried about you last night" I walked over to him trying to give him a hug.but he declined it.

"Really?whilst you were with Jai?did you have fun there" Luke gave me a dirty look and walked into his room slamming the door.Jai walked out from the bathroom and came over to me where I was now crying my eyes out,I bet I looked like a zombie because I was wearing mascara and my makeup would run.

"Sophie it's ok,lets go out" Jai said as he held me tightly while Beau was still confused at what happened.

"Jai I just need to get away from this all.Im gonna go to Sydney while my mums there" I replied as I walked out of the house and into my house crying and sobbing.I went up into my room and started to throw things everywhere.I smashed my lamp and through my books everywhere including my iPhone which was now broken.Jai walked up to my room and ran over to me,he comforted me and I cried into his chest "Jai I made you wet" I giggled "Babe that's ok" he laughed back.While Jai helped me clean things up I got a message from


Sorry this is a long chapter :/

Question:who do you think messaged Sophie?


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