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Today was the day we were leaving to America.My bags were already packed and mum and dad were waiting downstairs with theirs.I was really worried about Luke and what he would do or if he would.....cheat on me.I guess America would be fun,we would be seeing my model sister and meeting all the Victoria secret angels.I looked in the mirror of my wardrobe and looked at my outfit,I wore a white crop top and a short but not to short Black skater skirt.

"Plane 405 boarding to Los Angeles" the lady on the loud speaker said. "You ready to board?" Mum asked "Yeah I'm ready" I took a deep breathe and put my suit case on the conveyer belt.

Me,mum and dad got our seats on the plane and sat comfortably.

"Mum?" I said to her in a low shaky voice

"Yes Sophie?" She replied as she flicked through her magazine.

"I'm really gonna miss Luke" a tear started rolling down my cheeks

"Hun it's gonna be ok,you will have fun and I bet he was supportive of it" mum asked while holding me tight.

"I forgot to tell him mum...I couldn't....I just wish I did,he probably would hate me if he knew" I couldn't stop the tears even thought how hard I tried to hold back they just wouldn't stop.

~~15 hours later~~

"Please fasten your seat belts,we are about to land" the flight attendant called which woke me up."Good morning darling,sleep well?" Dad asked with a tired look "I slept ok,just a little bit tired still" I let out a yawn which could've woken the whole plane "Sophie how'd you sleep?" Mum called as she came back with a tray of breakfast. "Slept alright but I'm starving!!" I yelled as I grabbed the plate of egg and sausage.The first bite of the sausage was horrible!the only decent thing on the plane was the strawberry yogurt.

As soon as we landed at L.A.X airport,I grabbed a vanilla moca from Starbucks."Mmm this is sooo good!" I said as I sipped my beverage "Lets grab our bags and get to the hotel" Dad called as we walked towards our bags.


When we arrived at our hotel I was surprised to see a gigantic waterfall and big palm trees everywhere.It really did look beautiful here "Wow" I gasped as I ran into the hotel lobby.I pulled out my iPhone and took at picture of the hotel saying

'Staying at this beautiful hotel here in L.A"

And uploaded it to twitter,I instantly got people saying how could I leave Luke and not tell him and I'm a slut and other horrible things.I ran up to our room leaving mum and dad figuring out places to see,I got changed into my pink and blue floral bathing suit and sun tanned by the pool.I built up the courage to message Luke

Sophie:Hey babe (:

Lukey:Hey,I didn't know you were in America?

Sophie:Yeah I'm really sorry I didn't tell you babe ):

Lukey:So you can't tell your own boyfriend but you can tell the whole world?

Sophie:Luke if I told you,you would've gone mad

Lukey:No,I would've been supportive and at least met you there

Sophie:Don't be like this Luke.You sure did have fun yesterday huh?

Lukey:Yeah I did at the beach

Sophie:With girls in bikinis surrounding you?

Lukey:I only have eyes on you babe,you should know that

Sophie:Maybe I thought I did but in reality I seriously don't think I can trust you.

Did me and Luke just break up? I thought to myself

Lukey:Are you saying that we are over?

Sophie:No,unless you want to?

Lukey:no I don't!i fucking love you Soph

Sophie:Me too baby (: xx miss you

Lukey:Love you mean it (; 💏 xx

Sophie:Baby I need to go get dinner,love you babe (: xx


When we were eating our dinner at Ihop I was stunned to see....


The Janoskians a Luke brooks fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now