Unwanted departure

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Two sisters are writing this story. First time doing this. Hope we please.

Don't be afraid of telling us what you think. WE LOVE COMMENTS!!! (good or bad)


P.S. The girl on the side is Jaelyn!!!



I thought that this summer would have been different. A summer of hanging out with friends at a café, meeting cute boys at the beach, or shopping at the flee markets with the girls. Instead I am sitting in the airport, waiting with the other passengers to be called to the ticket line. I'm being shipped off to a summer camp for teens, courtesy of my deranged step dad, Scott. He persuaded my mom that it would be best if I spent this summer away, meeting new people, and interacting with the world. It was Scott's idea to send me to a camp on the other side of the country in my mom's home state; to my mom's old camp, Camp Summer. I cried, I rebelled, and ignored, but nothing got them to change their minds and save me from the exact journey that I am beginning right now.


As I sit and wait, I block out my surroundings by listening to my iPod. I swallow the last piece of an overpriced snickers bar. I lean back against the chair's hard plastic with a humph, closing my eyes. I wonder exactly how horrible my summer will be, they told me I would have the greatest time of my life, as they reminisced their favorite memories from camp. I just think that they wanted me gone or at least that's Scott's motive, my mom on the other hand is like an obedient puppy: always agreeing.

A vibration in my pocket studs my train of thought. I take out my phone to see another of the many texts left by my friends:

I'm gonna miss you J.

Call me when you can.

Have fun!!!

I feel tears sting my eyes. Why did they have to do this to me?

"Na na na, I think that maybe, I can't have relationships..., because lately there not making any sense." Again my phone shakes me out of my depressing thoughts this time by the loud voices of the guys from 3oh3!. Its my best friend Robin.

"Hay Rob."

In her whiny, obnoxious voice that I already miss, she quickly replies, "Oh My God! You don't know how upset I'm going to be without you Jay. Like, my whole summer was revolved around us doing stuff together. I cant believe they are making you go! Last night I was so upset."

I sigh, "I know. All morning I was crying, all the way here I was balling, but they still got me in here sitting by myself and waiting for this stupid plane. My mom didn't even look upset, she almost looked annoyed like she couldn't wait to get rid of me. My dad couldn't even get them to not let me go. I called him crying telling him that they were making me go to a camp and Scott got him on there side after just two flippin' minutes of speaking to him...what are you going to do without me?"

"I don't know. Me and Dessie are going to be so lost. Like your our leader, we've always all been together every summer. Have you talked to Dylan? Was he like so upset?"

"I tried calling him last night. He didn't answer. But I bet he probably is upset. We had plans for us as well this summer. We were going to drive down to Pebble Beach for our anniversary date."

"Oh that's so sad. Well he'll call, and during the summer I'll keep my eyes on him and make sure slutty Bridget doesn't get him. Did you end up packing or did your mom have to pack for you?"

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