Chapter 1: The Portal

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AN: Forgot to say in the prologue, Avengers and One Piece belong to their respective owners and I own nothing(except the general plot, but its probably been used before )

Tony Stark quickly became wildly more popular after The Battle of New York, as people now called it. This was not only due to the fact that he participated in the battle and nearly sacrificed his life, he also donated tons of money to rebuild the city and helped organize many rescue teams afterwards. Now quite a few people looked up to Tony Stark...

The office chair silently spun in circles as the billionaire kicked his work desk to gain momentum. He was currently thinking up plans for a new Iron Man suit, and definately not just spinning in a chair (don't tell Pepper), when suddenly JARVIS interrupted announcing, "Sir! A large disturbance appeared on the outskirts of New York! It is giving off radiation quite similar to that of the portal from last week."

Having been completely lost in thought, Tony fell off the chair with an undignified yelp. "A little warning next time," he said as
he slowly picked himself up off the floor."

"My apologies sir"the AI replied.

"JARVIS,send me the coordinates and call everyone else to the tower." the billionaire called as he made his way towards his Iron Man suits.

"Right away sir."

——this is a line break. Ignore this. Or don't.——

At the same time....

Steve Rogers gradually slowed to a stop and paused to catch his breath, he had finally finished his 25th mile and was going to head back towards the Stark tower, lr as Tony insisted it be called, the Avengers tower. Steve walked to a water fountain that was in the park that he stopped by and took a drink from the refreshingly cold water.

Right as he was about to start running again a feeling of dread and dejavu that made him glance up at the sky. And what he saw would've made a weaker-willed man crumple to the ground and cry, but he did not, instead he ran towards the outskirts of town.

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