Chapter 4

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All of these chapters are on fanfiction, I already have 4 more chapters written (not including this chapter) and hopefully I'll add the rest tomorrow. Suggestions always welcome.


Tony groaned and flopped on one of the many expensively plush couches that he owned. He was frustrated and tired. After he and Steve had pulled out the boy from the crater, 'Mr.Eyepatch' had appeared and adamantly refused to have the people they pulled out of the crater anywhere but in S.H.I.E.L.D custody.

The billionaire then argued with 'Pirate Peetey' and against all odds got Black Widow on his side. After that Tony had won the argument and the two visitors were now handcuffed in two
separate hulk­proof containers with JARVIS set to notify everyone if either of them woke up.

Suddenly, JARVIS' loudly announced,"Sir Miss Romanoff has just entered the building and is coming up in the elevator to your floor."

Tony sighed and sat up on the couch as the elevator pinged and the doors started to open. He looked over his shoulder and saw Natasha carrying a weird looking bag over her shoulder. The
bag was black, but the strangest thing about it was its length, it was incredibly long and skinny. Almost like a giant baguette.

Natasha quickly strode over to Tony and sat across from him. She gently set the bag on the glass coffee table that sat in between the two couches and looked up at Tony as she spoke,

"We had some of the S.H.I.E.L.D. scientists look this over, but they could not figure what it was made out of."

Tony looked on with renewed interest as Natasha took out a long black sword in its sheath. The sheath was black with little white crosses decorating the entire length of it. The handle was trimmed in white fur and a red rope was tied on the sheath.
Natasha slowly handed the sword over to Tony glaring at him to try to tell him not to goof off with the sword and end up almost cutting someone's arm off. Tony wasn't paying attention in the
slightest to Natasha's warning glare and greedily snatched up the sword and tore it out of the sheath to inspect it.

Disappointingly, for Tony at least, the blade of the sword was pretty normal and didn't explode into flames or anything. After a few seconds of inspecting the blade, Tony put the sword back and quickly got up.

"I'll see what I can do," Tony said and quickly scurried of to his workshop, excited to have another project.

While Tony was talking to Natasha, Steve had went into the nearby kitchen and found Bruce Banner,aka The Hulk, standing next to the stove making some herbal tea.

"Tea?" Bruce asked when he saw Steve standing in the doorway of the kitchen.


Bruce grabbed another cup and started pouring tea into both of them.

" So I heard about our two...guests," Bruce started as he walked over to Steve and gave him his tea and sat down next to him.

" Yeah they are definitely different. Not like the Chitauri. They definitely look human, but when we found them they had crashed down at least 250 feet, yet neither of them have any injuries
besides a few scrapes!"

Bruce stayed silent for a few seconds before asking, " Can I see them?"

In response, Steve stood up and started walking out the door. Bruce stood up and left his finished cup on the counter and went to follow Steve to see these two new guests.

Meanwhile with Luffy

One second Luffy was lying on the floor out cold, the next his eyes were open and it never seemed like he had been asleep. Confused, he looked around and tried to stand up but stumbled and fell on his face. He looked behind him and saw handcuffs, but the thing that confused him the most was that they weren't made of sea stone. Luffy shrugged and stood up, breaking the cuffs in the process. Suddenly Luffy remembered something.

"Torao!" He said, more like shouted, not­so­quietly.

He needed to find Law, make sure he was all right and get back to the ship as soon as possible.
Luffy took a step back and eyed the thick glass, he took a deep breath and stretched his arm back.

"Gomu gomu no pistol!"

Luffy's fist cracked the glass and with one more Haki­enhanced punch the entire front part of the glass shattered and Luffy ran out. Almost immediately the tower went into shutdown mode and
JARVIS notified the Avengers while the word "Torao" could be heard echoing throughout the tower.

Ok first off I need to apologize. I'm going to change the time range. For the Avengers it'll

be the same but it will take place after the Dressrosa arc, when the Strawhats are on their

way to Zou with Law. It won't affect anything at the moment but it will come into play later.


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