Chapter 5

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Ok first off I need to apologize, I actually forgot my password for this account and then forgot about Wattpad. Once again if you want slightly more constant updates, I update more on I'll be posting the next 5 or so chapters that I've written in the next few days so keep an eye out and don't forget to leave me your thoughts. Also, I'm going to change the time range. For the Avengers it'll be the same but it will take place after the Dressrosa arc, when the Strawhats are on their way to Zou with Law. It won't affect anything at the moment but it will come into play with the plot that is slowly forming. Thanks for reading this. Thank you all so much! Especially if you read that all.

~ Promise

Chapter 5

Before Luffy escaped...

After Tony had left, Natasha sat on the couch for a few minutes before looking up and throwing one of her knives she had on hand. The silver blade gracefully flew through the air before hitting high up on the wall up near the ceiling.

There was a second of silence as Natasha glared at the spot next to the blade. Slowly, the large vent moved and it started to fall towards the floor. Before it could hit the floor, someone flew out of the duct into the air, did a flip and caught the large metal grate in their hand.

Natasha rolled her eyes at the theatrics and stood up and began to walk away. She called over her shoulder, " Let's go see the prisoner, Clint. They'll be waking up soon."

Clint grinned and after putting the air vent back in its place jogged to catch up with his partner. "Lead the way Nat."

~~Line break. I don't know how to do these~~

Tony entered his lab and set the sword on the table. He was quickly setting up several scanning programs when JARVIS interrupted him saying, " Sir, one of the visitors have woken up and the other is showing signs of consciousness. Should I inform the others?"

Tony absent-mindedly waves his hand and replied, "Nah, just keep an eye on them. "

"Very well sir," the AI responded.

Almost immediately Tony forgot about the conversation and he once again was immersed in the novelty of something new and undiscovered.

~if someone could tell me how to line break~

Bruce and Steve walked side by side down the hallways in a slightly tense and awkward silence. Neither of them had spent much time with the other, Bruce stayed with Tony since Tony insisted they were 'Science Bros' and had to do 'science' together. Although, not much science usually happened and it was more just Tony blowing things up and goofing off.

They walked until Bruce finally broke the awkward silence. "So which guy are we seeing?"

Bruce had seen both of the people who were brought in and even did a quick routine examination on them. Nothing severe had been discovered, although the older man's arm had a nasty wound that made it look like it had been severed and then reattached.

"The,uh, older one I think. "

Bruce nodded and they continued walking in slightly less awkward silence. He was still skeptical, since Tony told him that they believed the two men had fallen from extreme heights, yet he couldn't find a broken bone on their bodies. Whoever,or really whatever, they were Bruce was intrigued and couldn't wait to find out what they were.

The awkwardness finally fully dissipated once they neared the cell. They had separated the two men and put them on opposite sides of the floor on the belief that if one of them somehow managed to sneak out, then the Avengers would be able to contain him before the escapee could release the other one. Bruce turned the final corner and furrowed his eyebrows in concern.

"He's awake."

Steve whipped his head and took another step towards the cell where he stated in confusion."

"JARVIS was supposed to tell us when one of them woke up." Bruce stated.

"Tony" came Steve's exasperated reply.

Bruce shook his head and turned back towards the man in the prison cell. The man was sitting cross legged on the floor of the cell and throughout the entire conversation had stayed quiet and devoid of any emotion. As Bruce turned and looked at the man though, he turned and met Bruce's gaze.

The man continued to stare down Bruce until he looked away and even then he could feel the man staring intently at him. Only when Steve asked him for his name did the burning sensation from the stare go away.

The man stared at Steve for several seconds and just when Bruce started to think he wouldn't answer he said a one syllable response in a low and gruff voice, "Law."

"How did you get here Law?" Bruce curiously asked.

Law didn't answer and just sat there for a few seconds and stared at both men in front of him. A minute passed by with no one moving before the man named Law broke eye contact and tilted his head slightly. Bruce stared in confusion and Steve got into a loose fighting stance as Law slowly stood up and put a hand into a hidden pocket inside his coat. There was a few split seconds of panic for Steve and Bruce since they forgot to check all of the pockets for weapons. Bruce started to take a step back to avoid a possible fight when Law slowly took out his hand, now clenched into a fist.

Steve stared at the hand as he tried to figure out what he could possibly have in his hand when the smooth voice of JARVIS announced, "Sirs one of the other visitors has escaped his cell."

While the two men focused on the other problem they had, Law unclenched his fist to reveal a medium sized rock. Steve turned towards the door and told Bruce, "Keep an eye on Law. I'll go check it out."

Before Steve could even take a step Law held out his hand and quietly said, "Room." They didn't even have a second to be confused before they were enveloped in an opaque blue light and Law threw the rock into the air and called something that was lost to Steve and Bruce as they suddenly found themselves inside the cell that Law was once inside.

The blue film disappeared and left behind two very confused men inside a prison cell they weren't previously in. Steve had somehow ended up in Law's handcuffs and Bruce tripped as he teleported but managed to catch himself before falling.

Without even looking Law stuck out his hand and caught the rock and put it back in his pocket. Steve and Bruce stared in confusion and frustration as he quickly strode away and the faint echoes of someone yelling could be heard.

Just a reminder if anyone missed the last AN, the timing has changed from before Dressrosa to being placed a bit after the Dressrosa arc but before they arrive at Zou. Avengers timing is still approximately a week after the events in the first Avengers movie. Reviews are always welcome and are encouraged. I love to know how you guys like the story and what you would like me to change or any suggestions you may have.

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