Chapter 8

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Law smirked at the four people staring in shock at the broken window that Luffy and what the others had called 'Hulk' had just crashed through and shattered the bulletproof glass. It was a perfectly fitting name in Law's opinion as he remembered the size and muscles on the creature. It reminded Law slightly of Whitebeard, but on steroids Law shook his headend focusing on the enemies in front of him. He has been spending too much time with the Straw Hats. They had infected his mind with their carefree and slightly insane personalities. Especially in bad situations, like that one time that Luffy... There he goes again Law shook his head again and glared at his opponents, hoping they were done gawking at the broken window and the echoing sounds of destruction and mayhem coming from the city below.

Luckily for Law, when he looked up, the red-headed women in an extremely tight black suit turned around and faced Law with both of her pistols drawn and aimed directly at his vitals. His eyes narrowed as he assessed the situation. Recovering from the shock, the man in blue was assessing Law and the man on the fridge with the bow was aiming at Law along with the redhead, the man in the red suit however, was still staring out of the window in shock. After half a second or so had passed the woman hissed, "Tony!" at the man still staring. After hearing his name, the man, now named Tony, came out of his shock and stared at Law while whispering, "How?"

Law looked at Tony and instead of answering just turned away and instead stared down the two more imposing people. He sorely missed his nodachi as he dodged the first arrow shot at him by the guy on the fridge. The guy narrowed his eyes and Law could see the slight irritation in the man's subtle furrowing of his eyebrows. Looking around Law came to the conclusion that there was only one way to end this fight quickly, but first he was going to play with them for a while. Luffy would be okay without him he reasoned. He had defeated Doflamingo after all, he could handle a green creature on steroids, but why did he feel like he had a rock in his stomach when he thought of Luffy fighting and losing. Law shook his head, he'd really been thinking too much lately. With his head finally mostly clear Law stared at the four opponents in front of him and if you looked closely, you could see a shadow of a smirk on his otherwise expressionless face.


Luffy vs Hulk

Hulk flew in the air and away from the Avengers tower, luckily landing in the middle of an abandoned park. The almost full moon lit up the trees and the few lamp posts scattered around provided ample enough light for anyone to observe the momentous fight between the strongest man and an unknown. To anybody watching, the unknown man in a straw hat was just about to be put through the biggest beat down of his life and the chances of him escaping alive were slim. They would soon find out it was true, but not for the man with a Cheshire Cat smile on his face, but for the man they previously assumed was invincible.


Back with Law and the rest of the Avengers

Law utilized a combination of; Observation Haki, his own intuition, intelligence, and his cat-like reflexes to avoid the barrage of projectiles that were shot rapid fire at him. Not one has touched him and Law knew that it was aggravating his assailants. He couldn't do much, he had enough energy for two rooms. Law planned to take them down with only one, saving enough energy to escape and go into hiding wherever they had been taking. Law had a plan and it would work, he hadn't become a Shikubachi for sitting there and being pretty.

The projectiles began to slow down and instead Law now had to defend against all four people fighting him hand-to-hand. Just when Law began to grow bored with toying with them, he felt the aura of his nodachi. Due to it being a cursed sword, Law was able to sense the sword it it became separated from his person. With his lapse in attention, the red-haired woman landed a punch to his jaw, causing his head to snap almost painfully to the side, but after being used as Doflamingo's punching bag and have his freaking arm chopped off, being punched by a an angry redhead felt more annoying than painful.

Now with his attention, fully focused on combatting the annoying combination of four dim-wits that didn't know who he was, Law made a room and inwardly smirked at the suprise and fear that made its way on the one in blue's face. He reached out to his nodachi and as he threw the rock he had put back into his pocket into the air and summoned his sword back to him and with a whirring sound his nodachi was falling back into his hands. If he had less control of his emotions Law would of sighed contently at the familiar sensation of having his nodachi back, but he did have control so instead he allowed himself a small smile to escape on his face.

"Oh sh-" the man in the red metal suit began before he was cut off by Law shouting room one final time. After that it was dead silent and Law walked off with a triumphant smirk, heading to try to find Luffy.

Tony slowly opened his eyes expecting to be injured, or worse, but instead he opened his eyes completely fine but with a he at weight on his chest. He slowly sat up and his eyes widened in extreme confusion and the tower echoed with a high pitched scream of several different explicits that would make any mother gasp in disgust and cover their children's ears.

Woken up by a high pitch screech, Steve, Natasha and Clint all sat up in suprise, but were completely and utterly confused. Steve woke up feeling suddenly lighter and he stared around in confusion, wondering what that man had done to them. They must've fallen unconscious but what was so unusual was that he didn't feel any pain and his team didn't seem to have any injuries either. As he scanned the room, something caught Steve's eye that made him wonder if he was a ghost.

Clint opened his eyes, in the same state of confusion as his companions. His eyes searched for Nat and when he saw her sitting on the floor, eyes wild he quickly began to stand up to go to her. However as he attempted to push himself up with his hands, he almost collapsed at how weak his arms were now. What the hell happened, he thought as he barely managed to get up. His question was quickly answered as he went to take a step and heard a loud metallic clank. Clint's eyes widened and he cussed silently to himself in every language he knew.

"Nat, hey Nat, snap out of it." Clint said to his partner who appeared to be having a flashback or possibly even a panic attack.

Instead of hearing Natasha's voice he was greeted with a much lower voice responding, " Snap out of what exactly Tony?"

In horror Clint turned around and saw Steve sitting on the floor glaring at him.


"No it's Nat- oh god. What the hell happened?"

" I have no idea but I think it was that guy's fault."

" So he switched our bodies?" A new voice asked.

Clint and Natasha turned to the voice and were greeted with Clint's body shakily standing up.



Natasha's eyes narrowed and grudgingly announced, " So that means,"

"Tony's in your body Nat."

So the Avengers have switched bodies! If you didn't catch it here's a list of who's in who's body.

Tony has Natasha's body
Natasha-- Steve

I will upload the rest of the chapters that I have already written then the other chapters will be posted every other month or so depending on how much writers block I have to combat.

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