Chapter 2

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Sorry! I have this on the fanfiction site and forgot I had it on here! So if you ever want more consistant updates go on there. If not, sorry I forget about wattpad sometime but I'll try to keep it updated.

Chapter Two

A large smoking crater came into view as Tony arrived at the outskirts of the city. It had to be at least 50 feet in diameter, maybe more, and approximately 20 feet deep. He slowed down and then came to a stop and landed at the edge of the crater, Iron Man's faceplate opened and he whistled.

"Damn, that's a deep hole. Not much can survive that...", Tony drew out the
last word and slowly faded as he saw a figure immerge as the dust settled.

At this moment Cap made his appearance and stopped next to the billionaire. Tony turned his head slightly and nodded at Steve, which he returned.

"Alien?" Steve asked after a second of silence.

Iron Man merely shrugged and said, "Dunno, only one way to find out," he replied and jumped into the crater, landing with a metallic clank. Steve wearily sighed and slid down the edge of the
crater until he reached the bottom. When they both stood at the bottom of the large crater, the smell of burning rubber assaulted their nostrils, causing them to choke and Steve to cover his
mouth with his hand and Tony to flip back down his Ironman mask to filter out the smell. Finally the dust and smoke cleared out completely, due to a gentle breeze, and both super heroes
stared at the figure that caused this crater.

He, at least they assume it's a he, had on a filthy, large black coat with spots that was torn and appeared to be slightly singed. Under this the person, wore a light pair of jeans with strange
spots on the bottoms and like the coat it was singed and ratty. On top of the figures head and covering most of his face was possibly the strangest, in Tony's opinion, piece of clothing. It was
a fluffy­looking white hat with large black spots on it. "Seriously, what's with this guy and spots?" Tony thought to himself.

The super soldier and the billionaire both stared at the man who lay unconscious at their feet wondering what to do. "So uh, what should we­" Tony started to say before being cut off by

"Wait, Tony, do you see what I see?" he said as his finger slowly rose up and pointed at something near the mystery person­alien­thing.

"What do you mea­oh," Tony said as his face plate once again flipped up to get another view, "Is that a, hand?! Wait JARVIS, how many lifeforms can you detect down here."

"Besides you sirs, two." came the smooth reply.

Steve and Tony turned back to the bloody hand barely visible underneath the other man's body, unsure what to do. They stood there for another second before Steve jumped into action and

told Tony, "help me move the other guy."

Tony nodded and jumped to help move the man.

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