Chapter 9

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This is the last chapter that I already have written out. The next chapter should be out by the end of February and then I will(hopefully) update every other month. Here's the list in case you forgot.




After the conclusion of their meeting, the Avengers went to go find their missing team member, eager to hear of his success. All of them were in desperate need of a cheering up after their humiliating defeat. As they walked down one of the many hallways located in the tower, Tony suggested taking the jet to go to where the fight and hopefully Bruce would be. They entered the hangar shuffling their feet, apprehensive at what they would find. Regardless, the team filed into the jet and Tony steered the QuinJet out of the hangar and into the air. Below them they vaguely saw the destruction below them, it did not become apparent as to how bad it was until they got closer to the ground.

When the team was close enough to see the full extent of rubble and destruction, everyone's jaws dropped, besides Natasha who kept an impressive poker face. This kid, whoever he was, somehow managed to fight against the Hulk and it looked like they had fought for quite a while. Whoever he was, he was incredibly strong and incredibly dangerous. They were just lucky that the Hulk took care of him. No one could single-handedly stand up to the Hulk with absolutely no weaponry and survive.

The Quin Jet quietly landed on the trampled grass and a large hatch on the bottom opened. Everyone unbuckled and stood up ready to head out, but Natasha quickly got out of her seat and turned to face the rest of the team with her shoulders back and narrowed eyes determined to get her way.

"You guys stay in here. I'll go out and get Banner by myself."


"No buts, Clint. We can't let word get out that we got our bodies swapped. We are too weak to deal with anybody trying to target us right now and I'm the only one who can pass off as normal."

Clint collapsed in one of the cushy seats in the jet and sighed in defeat. The others, and Tony surprisingly, sat there quietly and sadly nodded in realization. Satisfied with the response Natasha took off her name tag and in Steve's body walked out into the night. She was instantly greeted by the sight of several dozen SHIELD agents milling around. Sighing internally, she squared her shoulders, changing her expression slightly to get rid of the strictness that was her usual facade and put on the slight gentleness in her features that Steve usually had on his face.

(Slight time skip)

The hatch of the Quin Jet opened and Natasha slowly walked in, causing everyone to stand up and wait impatiently for an update on the situation.

Natasha sighed, "Bruce is down. The med team is checking him over and then bringing him over here."

Everyone stared in shock as they attempted to digest the piece of completely unexpected news. Somehow that shrimp of a guy, probably not even an adult, managed to take down the Hulk and if they were completely honest with themselves that kind of scared them. After several minutes of surprised silence, the hatch opened once again and Bruce was rolled in on a stretcher, still unconscious and looking bruised and beaten.

"Damn," Tony whispered under his breath; despite the fact everyone else could hear him.

"Let's head back to the Avengers tower and wait until Bruce wakes up." Steve ordered after a tense silence.  Everyone quickly responded and soon the engines were roaring and they took off into the air, heading back home.


The Quin Jet landed in the hangar after a tense flight home and everyone walked out with Natasha pushing the stretcher behind them. The heavy silence weighed on everyone's shoulders as it hit them how badly beaten they got that day. Not only beaten, but somehow switched bodies with no hope of being able to fight with unfamiliar bodies used to different fighting styles. They were in deep with no possible way out. To put it simply, they were screwed.


Tony was the first one to walk through the doors into the main living room, but as he walked through he stopped in surprise. The others stopped andlooked over his shoulder wondering what caused Tony to stop so suddenly, they were met by long golden hair and a blindingly white smile. Thor. He was back.

Everyone walked inside with slightly more energy, except for Natasha who brought Bruce to the infirmary and was going to stay there and inform them when he woke up. As they went to sit down sullenly, Thor's smile fell and his eyebrows furrowed slightly.

"Is all not well? Did a battle go awry dear friends?" Thor inquired seriously.

"If you consider switching bodies and a kid beating the Hulk as the 'battle going awry'  then yeah." Tony retorted, his voice lowering a few octaves as he mocked Thor.

Thor's eyebrows furrowed at Tony, attempting to deduce who was in Black Widow's body as it was most obviously not Widow. He stared in concentration before Tony sighed and rubbed his temple before bringing out the list of who was who and handing it to Thor. His brows stayed lowered as he read over the list and then raised joyfully in his realization of the situation.

"Friend Stark! It is you in the Widow's body!"


"However amusing this is, we must find the fiend who did this to my comrades and make him rue the day he messed with the son of Odin's friends!" Thor declared loudly causing everyone to wince and even some of the glass to vibrate in the room.

"Thor, inside voice remember." Clint pleaded.


Pointed black shoes echoed along the long empty corridor as they confidently approached their destination. A giant dark shadow appeared in the doorway of one of the most prominent mob bosses in New York. He stood up suddenly and called for his unresponsive guards astonished at how someone had managed to get through his assumed impregnable defenses. He silently brought out his pistol but before he could raise it a silent bullet pierced through his heart and he fell in a pool of his blood. The only sounds heard in that night was the cackle of a madman and a not-so- silent whisper, "I'm back Law-sy!"


Here you guys go. Sorry this is more of a filler chapter. The next two chapters are going to be an omake that I am writing just for the heck of it. It won't add to the plot of the story and can honestly be taken as a crackfic-y sort of thing.


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