Chapter 10

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This didn't turn out quite as crack fic-y as I originally thought it would be and it's also actually helps with the story now. I rewrote it a couple times so even though this chapters a bit short, it'll be to your guys' likings. Also, if you have any ideas or something you want to see leave it in the comments!



The sun slowly rose into the sky and its gentle morning rays stretched across the city and into any window that wasn't covered. One of those windows was Natasha's room, the sun creeping through the half closed blinds and resting on her closed eyelids until she scrunched her eyes and slowly opened them.

Natasha silently sat up in her bed, allowing the covers to fall off of her. She turned about to plant her feet on the ground when she stopped. Horrified she stared at the large calf muscles coated in hair before her. These most definitely were not her legs. It took a good couple of seconds before she realized that yesterday they had switched bodies and she was in Steve's body. Sighing she set her bare feet to the ground and proceeded to get ready for the day. Once she was all ready she walked out of her room and into the living room, only to be completely surprised.

Natasha's body, with Tony's consciousness, was sitting cross legged on the ground as Thor braided her hair. With the sun rising behind them backlighting both the figures would've been amusing if not for one major factor. It was her body and she could not let Tony start believing he could do what he wanted with it. Instead of simply clearing her throats and making her presence known, Natasha stealthily walked across the floor. Her bare feet quietly sliding across the floor until she was right behind Thor. She quickly darted in front of Thor and right behind Tony and leaned in close to his ear.

"What do you think you're doing?" She whispered menacingly.

Tony shot up in the air and luckily Thor had let go of the braid he was working on, allowing Tony to jump a good two feet into the air and quickly taking several steps back. Tony mumbled incoherently with wide eyes as Natasha stared him down. Steve's imposing figure combined with Natasha's famous glare made for an extremely terrifying combination. After several seconds of thick silence where nobody dared to move or even breathe, the spy's glare slowly turned into a smirk as she walked off towards the kitchen.

When she entered the kitchen she saw Clint- no, Steve she reminded herself, leaning against the kitchen counter a cup of coffee in his hand and an amused smile on his face.

"You know you don't have to terrorize Tony so much. He's not going to screw up your body."

Natasha smiled and shrugged, "It's more fun this way."

Steve slowly shook his head, but didn't talk any more on the subject. Natasha walked past him and poured herself a cup of coffee. She attempted to put her fingers through the handle like she usually does, but was slightly disappointed when she realized Steve's fingers were far too large to go through the small handle on her favorite mug. Sighing, she settled to just wrap her hands around the exterior of the mug and enjoy the warmth and smell of the coffee.


After Natasha left the room Tony carefully slid down to the floor with a sigh, careful not to be too loud otherwise she would hear and come back in. Tony liked Natasha, he really did, but she was often too intense and scary for him to handle on a daily basis. There was no way in hell he'd ever say that out loud though.


Tony walked through the door to the meeting room, it was honestly the weirdest thing to be in a different body. Natasha's body was well toned and Tony felt like he almost had a spring in his step, but strangely enough he rarely made any noise when walking. He theorized that it was probably muscle memory, or something like that he couldn't really find it in himself to care at the moment because damnit boobs are so annoying and heavy. At first he thought it would be fun to have boobs but they were honestly such a pain. He would have to apologize to Pepper after this for having to deal with this.

Tony was abruptly shaken from his thoughts when Thor's loud voice questioned, "Friend Steve where are Clint and Natasha?"

Looking slightly amused for some reason Steve responded, "Clint was still in his room so Natasha went to go retrieve him so we can all talk."

Bruce, who had woken up a few hours prior and had been informed of their current situation,cleared his throat and pushing his glasses back up his nose, "And what exactly is it we need to talk about."

"Well-" Steve was cut off by the door being slammed open and hitting the wall and revealing an extremely disgruntled Clint. His hair was going a million different directions waving slightly as he slowly shuffled to the nearest seat and sat down with an ungraceful thump.

Everyone stared at him barely noticing Natasha striding into the room with a large mug full of coffee and suprisingly the whole pot. She carefully set both the mug and pot in front of the half dead Clint who immediately reached for the mug and began drinking it quickly not seeming to care that it was incredibly hot.

Finally having enough of the awkward silence where the only sound was Clint downing several cups of coffee Tony asked the question everybody in the room was thinking, "Dude what happened to you?"

Clint's head whipped up as he slowly stated, " What happened to me you ask? It was you." He pointed his finger at Tony sitting a few seats down from him. "It was you Tony! When was the last time you fucking slept? I feel like I was run over by a truck several times and then tried arm wrestling the Hulk!"

Shocked by his outburst Tony opened his mouth ready to throw back a sassy retort, but then as it struck by a sudden thought shut his mouth and sat there contemplating. This happened a few more times before Tony simply shrugged and lamely replied, " I don't know."

Clint groaned loudly and lifted up his mug to take another large sip of coffee only to realize that it was empty and so was the pot. Great he thought as he let his head collapse onto the table in frustration.

Trying to quickly change the subject before everyone started complaining again, Steve cleared his throat gaining the attention of everyone again. Even Clint tilted his head to the side on the table so he could see Steve as he begun to talk.

"As we are right now we don't stand a chance against our visitors, let alone the normal thugs that we deal with and since we don't have an immediate way to fix this, with the guy who did this lost in the wind we need to do something. So I think we need to train with these bodies so we can at least take on common thugs, otherwise word will quickly spread and the Avengers tower will become a big target and Thor alone won't be able to protect us."

The room was silent as the rest of the team absorbed what Steve had just said. However once they realized what he meant they all had one thought, "This is going to suck."


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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2017 ⏰

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