Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Once Tony and Steve gently picked up "Spots" as Tony had now dubbed him and quickly carried the guy out of the hole and placed him on the edge,  he noticed something odd.

"I know it's lunch time and stuff, but don't you think that there would be at least one person in the park, trying to figure out what the hell just happened?" Tony sarcastically questioned out loud.

"S.H.I.E.L.D.," A redhead in a black tight­fitting suit stated as she quickly walked up to the two men, " We've set up a perimeter. No one's getting and no one's getting out without us knowing."

Both Steve and Tony stared at the redhead in suprise as she popped out of seemingly nowhere and started talking to them, but Steve got over the surprise first and asked, " Natasha, weren't you guys supposed to be on a mission for another couple days and where's Clint?"

"Here" and " Classified" we're the simultaneous answers he got to both questions he had asked.

"Hey guys! Come look at this guy!" A slightly muffled voice called from the bottom of the crater.

"Go. I'll keep an eye on this guy" Natasha said, more like demanded, as she gently prodded the unconscious figure on the ground in front of her with her foot. Steve nodded and quickly went back to the bottom of the hole.

When he slid to a stop the dirt once again went up into the air and obscured his vision. 'I've really have to stop doing that' he thought to himself and shook his head slightly. Unlike the time
before, the dirt quickly settled and the super soldier could see again. And it was completely ridiculous.

The figure(Steve couldn't tell what it was really) was deeply imbedded into the hard dirt and stone with the only easily visible body part was the hand Tony had pointed out earlier. The rest of the body had several cuts and abrasions scattered on the hand and arm he could see and as Steve took another couple steps forward the rest of the body came into few.

The boy, he realized, had on a bright red shirt that was left open so they could see the boy's muscles and more alarmingly the large x­shaped scar that stretched across the majority of his chest. He also had on cut­off denim shorts and for some reason had no shoes on. (I feel like Luffy's sandals should fall off more than they do. Like how do they stay on?)

​Just like the other guy, the boy had on an unusual hat but this one was a bright yellow straw hat that perched on top of his head and
covered his eyes. Surprisingly the hat was somehow clean and completely undamaged, especially compared to the rest of the kid's clothing.

Steve and Tony stared at the body and a heavy silence soon fell over both of them because, no one could survive falling from that far, Tony estimated it to be about 250 feet in the air, let alone
creating a giant crater and having another man fall on top of them.

"What are we going to do with the body?" Tony abruptly announced to Steve.

"Well I honestly don't kn­" Steve was cut off by a very loud shriek.

His head shot up and whipped around trying to find the source of the shriek before realizing who it was. Stark. Just what we need. What could it be now?

"Holy sh­"

"Tony. What is it?"

"The. The kid. But it shouldn't be possible! How can it?" Tony babbled incoherently which only proved to confuse Steve more until... Steve heard it. It was very quiet but now he knew why Tony was babbling. The kid. He was snoring. At that moment both men were thinking the exact same thing. How?

Steve sighed and then moved towards the boy and grabbed his arm and said, "Tony come help me."

Tony sighed and the faint metallic thuds echoed in the crater until they came to a stop on the opposite side of the boy. Simultaneously they began to pull the kid out of the smaller crater he was imbedded in. With only slight effort they both managed to yank the kid free and Cap threw him up on his shoulder. As he pulled him up the yellow straw hat slowly drifted to the dirt. Tony almost walked past the hat, but on a whim that would end up saving their lives, or at least a lot of pain, Tony turned back around and picked up the hat.

Thanks for reading. Sorry about Tony's OOCness in this chapter. Please review as they

make me feel accomplished and I (might) update quicker if there are more people reading

it. Suggestions welcome.


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