Chapter 7

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Before anyone could respond to Luffy's question a low, serious voice interrupted " I told you Mugiwara-ya, we are only allies, not nakama."

Everyone whipped around with weapons drawn to face the unexpected newcomer. The tall man merely glared at the weapons facing him and rolled his eyes. During this exchange
Luffy had sat himself down and simply watched the tense exchange with a slightly bored expression as he munched on several boxes of pizza he had found in the fridge.

After several seconds of the tense standoff Law straightened and began to bring his arm out of his large coat which appeared to be hiding something. All of the Avengers, minus Steve, Bruce and Thor, for obvious reasons, gripped their weapons even tighter and Clint took a step back and hopped up on the fridge, to have a better aim at both the escaped prisoners. 

During this exchange Luffy had sat himself down and leaned against a wall completely and utterly bored out of his mind now that he had eaten all of the food. He sat there completely immersed in his perpetual boredom until Torao said his name, or at least his nickname.

"Mugiwara-ya, you forgot about this," he called out and the Avengers eyed the item that he drew out of his coat, expecting some sort of weapon, but they definitely weren't expecting what he pulled out instead. A hat. The bright yellow straw hat with the red ribbon tied around it was completely ordinary and totally not what the team was expecting.

The surgeon of death tosses the old hat and it sailed through the air. Luffy's smile widened and as the hat neared him he jumped up in the air and caught the hat, pushing it down on his head, while still in the air. As he slowly fell to the ground a soft "shishishi" could be heard and Luffy pulled down both sides of the hat in a childish manner.

With Luffy in the back of the kitchen near the window and Law near the doorway, the Avengers stood tensely in the middle of the two pirates. Natasha, recognizing Law as the more immediate threat, was facing him with both of her pistols drawn, Clint had his bow drawn aiming at the opposite enemy as Natasha also ready to fire at a moment's notice. Tony on the other hand stood completely in the center of the room with both hands up aiming at both Law and Luffy.

For a tense second it was completely silent until Luffy suddenly whipped up his head and cocked his head in confusion. Law seeing this and seeming to sense the same thing narrowed his eyes and began walking over to Luffy, only to be stopped by the Black Widow stepping directly in front of his path.

"Mugiwara-ya, we need to leave."


Angrily Tony took a step forward, cleared his throat and declared, " Sorry, but you guys aren't going anywhere."

Luffy smiled for half a second until his head once again quickly turned and stared at the wall to his right. Natasha narrowed her eyes until she finally heard and could feel what had the Straw Hatted intruder so concerned. The floor shook once again and all three of the Avengers knew what, or more like who, was heading their way.

The sound of quick footsteps echoing down the hall distracted Natasha from the large crashing sounds and she turned her head to see Steve whip around the corner with frantically wide eyes. He spoke only one word but that word carried enough weight to cause their eyes to widen and fear, no matter how slight to settle in the hearts.


Before anyone could react the sounds had arrived and the wall exploded into a cloud of debris and rubble. Behind the destroyed wall stood one of the most fearsome creatures, and he was very angry. The hulk glanced at Luffy and then the rest of the Avengers until his gaze settled on the stoic surgeon of death. When he caught sight of him his eyes narrowed even more mad he let loose a deafening roar. Despite all of this Luffy was smiling widely, excited that something fun was finally going to happen.

After he finished roaring, Hulk reaches back a gigantic arm and went to punch Law towards and out of the window, but as he was pulling his arm back a loud shout could be heard even above the Hulk's roar.


Confused Law whipped his head around to find that for the first time Luffy had actually called his name. Law nodded his head in understanding and created a large room. As the opaque blue film covered the room, Steve fearfully widened his eyes, knowing full well what the pirate could do. However, before he could shout a warning the Hulk had thrown his punch and a gigantic cloud of dust filled the entire room.

The Avengers were confused, despite the dust they expected to have heard the glass of the window shattering as the man was sent flying. When the dust cleared once again however, they became even more confused than they were before. Luffy stood with a gigantic grin right where Law had been and what was even more dumbfounding was the fact that Luffy had taken a direct hit from the Hulk and had not moved an inch. Before anyone of them could get over the shock and react Luffy had shouted one more thing.

"Torao, I've got this guy!"

Law, standing where Luffy had been silently nodded and took several steps away from the window and towards the remaining Avengers. With a single punch from Luffy, the Strawhat Pirate, the Hulk was sent flying out of the building and Luffy right behind. A ghost of a smile quickly flitted across Law's face as he faced his new enemies. 'Maybe this won't be that bad.' He thought to himself.

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