Chapter 9

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I look at my mom and run too her with even more tears sliding down.I see all the tubes surrounding her and I just want to take them off and give her a tight hug."Mom." I manage to get out.
"Adie. Oh I am so happy to see you." She says with a raspy voice.Her sweet voice is now gone. I bend over to give her a hug, she feels so gentle. I hug her as soft as I can trying not to hurt her. "I brought Aden with me, mom." She looks at the doorway and sees Aden. "Oh,Aden." She gives him a warm smile and he returns one. I give a smile sharing the bond we have. Aden leans in to hug my mom and she pulls him close and whispers in his ear "I hope you took good care of her." He nods his head softly. "I heard that." I said because really, it wasn't a whisper.

After having some time with my mom they take her away to do some check-ups. "Well, you kids go hom- or just do stuff that teenagers do these days." She says with a chuckle. And they take her away from my hands.

Me and Aden arrive at my house and decide to just stay there. "Do want to watch a movie or something?" Aden asks me. I look around like I'm looking for something. "I don't know." Aden suddenly gets a text. His eyes open when he opens the message. "ADELINE GUESS WHO JUST ARRIVED HERE!" I think hard. "Um.... Madonna?" I ask making him laugh in a goofy way. "NO VICKY!" He practically screams. I stand up,quick. "WHAT?!" Me and and start to smile really big and jump up and down. 

Vicky is short for Victoria.She is one of me and Aden's best friends. When we were growing up Victoria was part of our squad. It was me, Aden and Vicky all the time, together. We were the best est of friends. But when Victoria found a high school she had to move away. So it was just me and Aden.

"OMG!" I scream. "Where is she right now?" I pull Aden back and forth repeatedly. "Let me ask." He moves away to the back porch. He comes back after a few minutes and says "She's at the airport.I asked if she wanted us to pick her up.Is that fine with you?" He asks giving a small shrug. "Are you kidding?! Of course. Let's go!" I grab my phone and sweater (it is getting chilly) and pull Aden with me. 

We arrive at the front entrance parking of the airport. Me and Aden give each other a look. He starts to lean in. I stop him from coming closer. "What are you doing?" I raise an eyebrow. He turns a bright red and starts talking fast. "I was-uh- checking a pimple I thought I saw on your face.But it was just the light. Heh, weird right?" "Yeaa weird." I open the door and get out. 

We run into the airport passing everyone with huge suitcases. Even on the verge of falling I still keep running with a smile ahead of Aden. "Your too slow." I scream looking back. He runs past me. "She's at gate 8.It's to the left. Turn!" We turn to the left and pass the food court. I stop shortly when I see the Cinnabon shop. Aden turns to me and drags me back into the race. "Later.Forgot Vicky likes those too?" I smile when I notice he remembers the fun past. 

We start looking around for Victoria. "Do you see her?" I ask Aden from the other side of the hallway. "No.Let's get closer." We both speed walk closer to where everyone is exiting from the airplane.

 As I'm looking at the guy checking the pass ports I see a girl with long straight hair. She's wearing a purple tight v-neck with a black skater girl skirt and black small pumps. She turns around and I notice the familiar face. Victoria. I look at Aden and I see that he saw her too. He stares at her while I do the same. She turns from the pass port guy and looks dead at us. She drops her bags from her hands and puts her hands covering her face. She starts crying. I feel myself emotional. I start crying and run up to her. I hug her tight as I smell her lavender perfume. I feel Aden go in back of me and starts hugging us both. We stay there and all you hear is our sobbing. We pull away because more and more people start coming from the entrance. We find a spot and start talking. "Adeline your beautiful. Aden your still handsome.You guys didn't change." We all start laughing. "Vicky, you changed." I say. Victoria was always a girl with a shy personality now she is all 'confident'. "It was for the better. I hope you guys like the new me." I start thinking about it. What if the 'new' Vicky changes things? "Aden. All I got to say is WOW." He starts blushing. "You look so handsome.You probably have a girlfriend, right?"He looks at me.

 "Oh, are you guys in a relati-" 

Me and Aden stop her. "NO!" "I just-uh- broke up with someone."  He says looking down. 

"Oh, good. I was like 'well this is awkward'. " I look at Aden again.

"Well anyway. Vicky would like to go get to cinnamon buns?" I ask her with a small smile. I knew her answer. 

"You know me so well." We walk to the food court and stop at the Cinnabon shop. "Can I get 1 box of 12 cinnamon buns please?" The tall guy with dirty blonde hair stares at me and says "Anything, for a beautiful lady." I start blushing. "Watch it." Aden whispers into my ear and Victoria just smiles from behind him. The hot cashier hands me the box. I feel his fingers move with something under the box. He hands me a small piece of paper. I smile and walk away. I see Aden hand him 20 bucks and gives him a strong glare. The cashier puts his hands up in surrender and then laughs. 

I take Victoria's medium bag and drag it in the house. Aden takes the big one and Victoria takes the small bags. I go back to get the cinnamon buns and Aden smacks me on the butt when I bend down. I stand up straight and punch him on the shoulder. "Really? That's all you got?" He pushes me to the brick wall from my house.The cold wall gives me chills on my back. "What are you going to do about it?" I say not answering his question. "This." He says quickly. He kisses me hard on my lips. He grabs y butt and sort of massages it (i guess) and he keeps on kissing me. He let's go of me. "I Love You." He walks back into my house. I stay there in shock once more. I shake my head and smile. Good Night to me.


I tried to make this chapter longer so yeah. ;P I hope you guys like it.

Please comment if you want me to add pictures to the chapters.

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