Chapter 16

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Scarlett's POV:

I can't believe Callum just kissed me. I was so nervous, but I'm so glad it happened. But I'm so angry with Alice, coming onto him. Oh yeah, she was drunk. That doesn't do shit! Being drunk is no excuse. Oh sorry I kissed your boyfriend, I was wasted. Oh sorry I set your dog on fire, I was wasted. Oh sorry I blew up the world, I was WASTED! Being 'wasted' doesn't change anything, and I'll need to talk to her.

I walk downstairs with Callum following me, his hand in mine. I want to go home, but I'm not going with Alice. I'm not forgiving her. I head to the door.

"Hey, your going now?" Shouts Callum.

"Yeah, I'm tired and I just need to think..."

"Here, I'll walk you."

"No it's fine, you don't have to leave for me.''

"I want to, it's too crazy now anyway."

We walked out together in the rain. It was windy, and I was to tired to even walk. I sigh and take my boots off, my feet aching.

"You okay?" Callum asks, putting his arm around me.

"Yeah, just cold and my feet are hurting. I'm fine." I reply, mumbling.

"Here, take my jacket," he says, putting his warm jacket around me. It smells amazing.

"Thanks, Callum."

"So, what's happening between us then...?"

"Um...I dunno." It's so awkward.

"Wanna know, date? I know now isn't the time or place but um...I love you" Callum mumbles. My heart honestly just skipped a beat, it's racing in my chest. I smile up at him and he laughs and picks me up, I'm lying in his arms like a princess just rescued by the prince.

We arrive home, my dad is asleep on the couch. I kiss Callum and thank him for walking my home. He is honestly such a gentleman. I put my shoes down and walk into the living room. The telly is off and he is lying there, his eyes shut tight. I don't want to wake him, so I put a blanket over him, kissing his forehead.  As I walk upstairs there is a note on my door saying, 'have fun babes, love ya xxxx'. it's probably off my dad.

I go in and fall back on my bed in pure happiness. Obviously not with Alice. Speak of the devil, there is a text on my phone from 12mins ago from her.

Alice: hey girl where is u? xx

Me: just got in, I don't want to talk to u.

Alice: why u ok??

Me: don't contact me, ur so desperate.

I don't think she knows I caught her eating Callum's face off...

Alice: ay? Wtf do u mean is this a joke hahah...

Me: I saw u throw yeself at Callum, u know I like him, so why do it?

Alice: Scarlett I was drunk! I'm so sorry......


Me: just don't speak to me. Bye.

Alice: fine b like that, geez. I didn't sleep with him. Although I should of just to piss u off even more bitch!

I'm so angry, I throw my phone at the wall, causing it to crack.

Ooh guys idk what I'm doing now I have it planned out but like I'm not up to there and I'm literally just writing anything ughh asdfghjkl. I hope u like it tho lmao

~Chloe xx

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