Chapter 27

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2 hours later:
I'm sitting outside the hospital room with a blanket wrapped around me. Callum and Alice are sitting next to me, their arms also around me. My auntie is shouting down the phone. My nan is screaming at me. I'm sat there frozen still. Why would I be so stupid to get drunk and ruin everything?

"Look, I'm sure your dad will be okay. He's a brave man, Scarl." Alice whispers, hugging me tighter. A tear rolls down my cheek as Callum wipes it away. He kisses me softly, them both reassuring me.
"Honestly, he's an amazing person and I bet you we can go in and see him soon." Callum adds.
I just mumble and close my eyes. I want to sleep, forgetting the mistakes and hoping everything will be back to normal when I wake up.

30 mins later...
"Scarlett? Your dad wants you to see him. He's awake now." My eyes open instantly; I drop the blanket and run in, slowing down as I enter. I walk over to my father, lying there pale. His eyes are closed, it's not a nice sight...
"Dad, I'm so so sorry...I feel so horrible. I ruined everything and I'm so stupid. I hate me."
"Don't say that, I love you, my baby girl." My dad mumbles. He is clearly tired. "You're forgiven already, you're a teenager now so I don't blame you. Thank you."

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