Chapter 18: The Unexpected...

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A/N: Konichiwa minna! I'm dedicating this chapter to one of my closest friends, Elizabeth. She is a very torturing girl, almost like Mira when she comes into matchmaking. Also, she is also very pretty, just like Mira. Sadly, she doesn't have Wattpad, so you guys can't follow her. Sorry!

I woke up to the sound of bass-boosted music, the flashing lights, and the screams of people. I stood awake from my daze, with a perplexed Natsu staring into my soul.

"N-Nani? Natsu???" My face is now wide with surprise, as I see my salmon-haired friend come closer and closer to me, and I finch away in surprise, while hurriedly closing the door of the car and wait for him to come out.

He gracefully comes out of the car, and bows towards my direction, putting his arm out in front of him.
"Let's go to the dance now, shall we?" Natsu shakily says. I giggle and hook my arm around his hand, and head toward the noise of humans.

"Why of course sire, let's head to thy dance floor." I barely said, while still giggling. As we entered, we were immediately surprised by Juvia and Gray. Juvia had her hair tied up in a bun, while wearing a ruffly dress, with the lower part extended, kinda like a ball gown. Gray was in a cyan tailsuit, paired along with some deep sea blue pants and a cyan tophat. "Hey Lucy! Hey Natsu! Nice costumes!" Juvia greeted. We both replied with a similar reply, and followed us to the entrance of the gym, where the dance is held.

As we enter, we are greeted by a marvellous sight. The ceiling is lit by a disco ball, and there are Halloween decorations set up, from pumpkins, to skeletons, as much more! We were greeted, again, by Mira and Laxus, for they were taking charge for collecting the tickets.

"Hey Lucy! Hey Natsu! Nice costumes!" Mira greeted. We both put our tickets in and head towards some seats, immediately. "Have a nice dance! And Happy Halloween!" Mira sang.

We both waved our hands back at Mira, and headed towards some seats. Juvia and Gray closely followed behind us, and sat next to us.

For quite some time, all of us were just chatting there, just talking about whatever. It was all fine, until Juvia had decided to bring up Natsu.

"So, Lucy. How's Natsu? Have you guys started to become a couple??" Juvia asked, with a mischievous smile on her face.

"N-No! Why'd you ask Juvia?" I protested, starting to blush. Juvia starts to laugh and I start to pout.

"Lucy. It's ok. You can tell me everything." Juvia assured me, patting my back. We both kept on talking, until a certain someone came over.

"Ne, Luce. Wanna dance with me?" Natsu had walked behind me, walking in between of me and Juvia, and had extended his arm far out enough for me to reach.

"Y-Yeah sure." I nervously chuckled, a blush creeping on my face. I had taken his hand, and head for the dance floor. We slowly got into the rhythm, changing our pace depending on the song. If the song had been fast, we would use aggressive and quick movements. Sometimes, I would even be twirled by Natsu, and I would be able to twirl into another dance move. If it were slow, our dance would be passionate and slow, taking our time. For our final song, he had twirled me, and had swept one of my legs from the floor, and had caught me by the back, and leaned into me. Everyone started to cheer, and we bowed in appreciation for their thanks.

After all that tiring dancing, he had asked me to meet him outside in 5 minutes. I had went to the washroom to check over my looks one last time, and headed out to find Natsu looking at the moon.

"Hey Luce. I would like to say, you are a very good dancer. Only very few would be able to keep up with me, and you were one of them." Natsu complimented. It had made me blush, and walk closer to him.

"Thanks. Now, why did you bring me outside?" I had asked, inching ever closer towards him. We were about an inch away from each other, before he ran his hand through his hair and started to talk.

"You see Lucy, I've known you for a few months, and I had noticed some things. Ever since we've been paired for this half year project, I thought that heaven had made this for me. You are a very caring, cute and loving kind of girl. Lucy Heartfilia, will you go out with me?" Natsu had grinned, me starting to smile goofily. YOSH! He had asked me to be his girlfriend! I thought before I walked up to him and hugged him.

"Of course, dummy." I had held him tightly, not wanting this hug to end, until I had looked up. He had taken my chin, and pulled me in for one of my best moments in life.

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