Chapter 12: Im Tired.

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(Timeskip to lunch time.)

"Anyways, he had taken me to Love and Lucky." I sighed, with an excited Levy and surprised Erza.

"Did he actually? I heard their strawberry cake was good." Erza agreed, with Levy still nodding like a maniac.

"Yeah. We both tried it, and it was superb! Also, he took me to an amazing spot where the sunset looks like it's staring directly at you!" I exclaimed. Levy had been shocked, for I hadn't told her when I was at the mall.

"WHAT?!? You didn't tell me that at the mall." Levy pouts and slams her hand on our table, causing everyone to look at us. We all blush in embarrassment, and everyone goes back to their normal, daily routine.

"Anyways, why'd he take you there?" Erza asks, just before a dazed Juvia walks up to us.

"H-Hi. Can I sit here?" Juvia asks, still looking dazed. We move a tad bit over, and Juvia sits down beside me.

"Well, he took me there because the sun was setting, and so he said he had a good place to watch the sunset. It was so mesmerizing that it reminded me of a poem." I recall. Levy then slams her hand once again on the table, then goes up all in my face.

"What poem was it, huh? Huh?" Levy asks. I back away from her face, startled at what she had just done.

"The obvious one, Nothing Gold Can Stay. Duh." I say in a duh tone, then Levy backs off.

Before we could speak again, the bell had rung, and we all headed towards class.

(Another Timeskiperino to the end of the school day)

We all headed out of the school, for we did not want to see our temporary hell for the rest of the day. I was walking outside, where I see Natsu waiting for me, leaning on his car, looking down at his phone.

"Hey Luce! Ready to go home?" Natsu says, signalling me to come into the car.

"Yeah. So Natsu, can you tell me what your costume is??? Pleaseee???" I plead, giving him my best doggy eyes, then his face flushes.

"D-Dammit Luce. You're making it tempting for me to tell you." Natsu says, making me blush.

"Pweeeze. Pwetty Pwease?" I plead once more. His face turns as red as Erza's hair, then looks away from me to start the car.

"Like I said, it's going to match your costume. Don't worry. Now let's go." Natsu says sternly. I pout at him and start to head out of the parking lot.

"If you say so. I feel it's going to be some lousy costume that everyone else got." I tease, causing him to change into a shocked expression.

"What?! Oh no it ain't. I'm pretty sure it's going to amaze you, if you see it." Natsu protests, and I start to tease him some more.

"Right. Like a prince? A dense, hard-headed one at that?!?" I tease once more, starting to laugh.

"Oh why you!!" Natsu says, ready to strangle me. "If you say so. I'm still going to blow your mind." He regains his calm and continues on the drive.

As we arrive home, we are greeted by his father, Igneel. "Well hello there Lucy! What brings you here today?"

"Uhh. I'm good. How are you?" I say nervously, just hoping I piss him off with anything I say.

"I'm fine thank you. You may enter. And hello to you, my son. How was your day?" He replies. I run over to my room to start on my homework, while Natsu and his dad are engaged in conversation.

"Argh! Dammit! I don't understand this!" I shout at myself, slamming my pencil on my work. As I do that, I hear rushing footsteps towards my door.

"Lucy? Are you okay? What happened?" Natsu had rushed in through the door, panting.

"Yeah. I just don't understand this math question. You see, I'm not that good at math, so I barely get by." I say with disappointment, and Natsu just grins.

"Oh. Is that so? Which question?" Natsu asks. He leans over my shoulder, causing me to blush.

"Oh! This question? Lemme teach you." He starts to explain how to use multiplication in fractions, and how to find the digit used to multiply.

By the time we were both finished homework, we had taken a shower, and have become sleepy. "Hey Luce, mind if I sleep with you tonight?" A groggy Natsu asks, starting to wrap his arms around me.

"Y-Yeah. I'm fine with that." I yawn, as I take my position on my bed, facing Natsu, where I hug him back.

"Goodnight Natsu."

"Goodnight Luce."

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