Chapter 20: Another Dream. :3

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I once entered Dreamland again, but instead of my usual dream, I have been placed inside an abandoned warehouse, with my arms tied, the rope starting to burn into my skin. 

Two masked people came up to me, and started to ask questions. "Where. Is. HE. TELL US!" The man in a black mask came towards me, and slapped me right across the face. 

My right face stung with heat, throbbing suddenly from the pain the eroded from it. I spat at him, saying "I don't know who you're talking about, but I don't know where he is!" The white masked man, with flame decals across the mask came over, and kept kicking me in the leg.

 I kept screaming in pain, for it felt like my leg was about to break in half from the pain it had caused me. After all of the kicking that the two mischievous people who had supposedly tried to kill me, the one with the black mask had pulled out a knife, and had placed it just below my chin.

"So, little girl, will you tell us where he is now?" He had deviously grinned, thinking he had the upper hand. My face had been close to tears, with tears threatening to spill out. "I-I'm serious sir, I don't know who you're talking about, but I swear, I DON'T KNOW!" I had cried out, a waterfall of tears rushing down my face, still filled with fear and grief.

"Alright. You had your chance, but since you don't know where he is, you will have to die. I'm really sorry, but we have to kill you, because we don't want anyone to know about our existence." As the man in the white mask came towards me, with the tip of the knife ready to stab me at a moments notice, is about to enter my throat, and then I had woken up. 

My face is now contorted in fear, clammy with sweat, with Natsu sitting beside me, holding my hand and with a face that has an expression of pure worry. "Hey Lucy, why the sudden wake up?" Natsu still holding my hand, places his other on my hip. 

"Oh, a nightmare consumed me, making me feel like I was going to die, just because two people in masks, one black, and one white, had threatened to kill me, just because I didn't know where a person was." I panted out, shaking. My head was now placed on his stomach, where he placed my hand on my head, to assure my safety.

"Oh... Those people. I'm just hoping you feel better. Let's go eat breakfast now, shall we?" He had stood up from the bed he had carried me to, supposedly after I passed out last night, from everything that fricking happened. Still shaken up, I had tried to stand, but my knees are still wobbly, so I had slowly made my way down the stairs, and into the kitchen, where I almost fell onto the chair. 

"Oh jeez, Lucy. You're feet are wobbly. Stay on this chair, while I make breakfast. French Toast, right?" Natsu had asked, for I had made my way onto the closest chair and had waited for my pieces of Toast.

As the pieces of toast arrived, Natsu had started chatting about how the dream went. "Hey Luce. What else happened in the dream?" I had been lost in thought, thinking about the man with the white mask, until he had asked me.

"U-Uh, I-I was repeatedly asked to tell me where 'he' is. I didn't know who 'he' was, so I just pretended I did, until the had beaten me to a pulp and I woke up after there." I staggered out. Since the dream felt like it was about 2 hours long, I had still felt the wounds that they have inflicted onto me, just for a tiny piece of information.

"Oh. Alright. Well, get ready for school now. I'll be heading up now, so that we can get going. See you in a bit!" Natsu had cheerily said, earning a wide grin from me, from ear to ear, and had planted a kiss on my forehead, just before he headed up to go change. 

I had also decided to get ready, so I had ran upstairs, toothbrushed, put my clothes on, and headed downstairs once more, to see Natsu outside, holding a pair of keys.

"Ne, Natsu? What's that you're holding?" He had said nothing, and had just led me to a place behind his garage. As we turned the corner, I had seen a metallic pink Porsche 911 Carera that had the plate name '4Lucy'.

I had turned to him, and he had been grinning, but also red. "I bought this for you, knowing that we had just started. But still, it's a sign that tells the world that we are together." I had been swooned again by this amazing man, and fell into his arms, before we had hopped inside the new car and head towards school.

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