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The last rays of the setting sun colored the sky red.  Vincent hoped it wasn't an omen of what was to come.  He caught the barest hint of sound and altered course.  Up ahead was a cave.  Vincent entered landing heavily on the floor.  The creature stared at him and began dropping the woman, its mouth gapping in astonishment.  Its movements seemed much slower than the first time they had fought.  That was a relief, Vincent thought to himself.  Chaos was faster than these monsters.  He stepped forward allowing the creature to finish releasing its hold on the woman before he lunged suddenly.  The creature tried to escape but it wasn't fast enough.  Vincent caught it and tore into it with his claws before throwing the battered remains against the far wall.  The creature grunted in pain before it raised red glowing eyes to Vincent. 

"What are you!?"  Vincent heard the barest hint of fear in that voice.  He lunged again driving one clawed hand through the creature's torso.  It glared at him with those red eyes.  Then they widened his nose sniffing the air. 

"You bear the same scent as the creature from last night." he said breathily.  "What...what are you!?"  Vincent roared.  The creature should be dead.  Vincent fought to keep Chaos under control as it ripped and tore at the human shaped monster in front of them.  At last he backed away but the monster was still regenerating.  The woman had pushed herself up against one of the cave walls and was watching with horrified eyes.  Tears streamed down the sides of her face.  Vincent turned towards her and she screamed. 

"No, please.  Leave me alone." 

"She's mine!" the creature yelled.  Vincent turned but wasn't quick enough.  He hadn't expected the man to be able to move, not with those injuries.  A clawed hand ripped into his back and through his lung puncturing it to drive through the front of his torso.  Vincent shuddered and dropped choking on breath that a second ago had come easily.  Blood poured from the wound and came from his coughing mouth.  Vincent knelt, his trembling arms barely able to support his own weight let alone the weight of the creature on his back.  Chaos seethed seeking a way to break free of Vincent's control. 

Vincent gasped in as much air as he could trying to steady himself.  Then he reached up and gripped the clawed hand that was protruding from his chest.  He yanked hard.  There was an audible pop and the creature screamed as its arm was torn from its body.  Vincent head butted the creature, then pulled the obstruction free of his wound and tossed the limb from the cave.  He pressed a hand against the healing puncture then turned to face his opponent, glancing at the woman.  She had fainted and was laying limply against the wall.  The creature shuddered its fanged mouth gnashing.  It clutched at its injured shoulder but it was a half-hearted effort.  Mostly it stared at Vincent. 

"B-blood," it stammered shuddering.  Then it gnashed its fangs some more, staggering forward then pulling back.  Something about blood was upsetting it.  Vincent couldn't guess at what but he knew he was running out of time.  The longer this fight lasted the more exhausted he would become and the more likely the children's mother might get hurt.  His eyes caught a glint of metal near the woman's foot.  He lunged, grabbing it and standing up.  He braced the metal with the heel of one hand just in time.  It drove into the creature's chest as the man fell on him.  The light faded instantly from its eyes.  It made a choking sound, surprise clear on its face.  Then it burst into a cloud of dust that drifted to the cave floor. 

Vincent looked down at the piece of metal he had grabbed.  The tarnish meant it was silver, as long as this world resembled his.  It had been shaped like a spike, pointed on one end, flat on the other.  What a curious weapon, Vincent thought to himself.  Surely a dagger would have been more practical.  He set the silver spike down and went to check on the woman.  She appeared to be fine save for a few bumps and scrapes.  He carefully lifted her into his arms and began flying.  The added weight made it more tiring for him but he pressed on.  Full night had fallen outside and he wanted to get her home as soon as possible. 

He needed a break and spotted the clearing.  He landed panting with exhaustion.  It had been a long time since he'd carried anyone while he was flying.  The picnic basket was still there.  Vincent gently lifted the blanket and began folding it.  It gave his hands something to do while he rested.  Although he wouldn't admit it his Turk training probably contributed to the action as well.  The Turks were given any and every job imaginable and their duty was to complete the task with speed and efficiency.  The woman lay on the ground beside him still unaware of her surroundings.  It was probably better this way.  Once the blanket was folded he stepped over to the basket. 

A wave of memory washed over him.  It was so vivid he almost felt like he had gone back in time.  He could hear a voice.  Her voice.  Calling his name.  The warm breeze had lulled him to sleep and she was waking him.  The shade of the tree and the brilliant streams of sunlight flowing around the leaves.  He had started up in surprise.  Then she had produced the picnic basket and smiled.  "Care to join me."  He could smell the various scents of the wildflowers on the breeze.  He could taste the lunch they had shared together.  It was one of the few happy memories he had with her. 

Vincent staggered as the memory vanished becoming once more a memory.  Vincent felt as if he'd been stabbed in the heart.  The basket before him looked similar to hers but it was not the same.  Inside he was disappointed to find there was no more food, just a few plates, napkins, and utensils.  He placed the blanket inside then lifted the woman again.  With basket in tow he took to the air once more.  He listened carefully until he heard the voice of Tara.  He landed outside of the house stepping carefully onto the back porch.  He laid the woman down as gently as he could then set the basket next to her. 

Vincent rapped gently on the door with his knuckles then flew off into the trees.  He landed and turned to make sure.  The door was opened and Zack came out.  Once he saw the woman on the porch he immediately knelt and examined her.  Satisfied that all was taken care of Vincent turned and flew back to the cave.  He had no place else to go and it smelled like it was going to rain.  He landed heavily this time from exhaustion instead of haste.  He transformed back into his normal form and crawled into the cave. 

There was a pile of discarded clothing towards the back.  Vincent was happy to find a few cloaks and a blanket.  He wrapped himself in them and wearily made himself comfortable.  "Fall asleep here and you might catch a cold."  The voice in his memory repeated her amused words.  Although his limbs started to warm, the material couldn't melt the ice around his heart.  As he was drifting into sleep he heard her voice calling his name again, the slight hint of concern and amusement in her tone. 

"Lucrecia," he whispered, and wanted to cry. 

What he did not see was the vampire standing outside the cave.  She had been following him since he left it.  Now she smiled wickedly before changing into a bat and flying away. 

Vincent Valentine Vampire HunterWhere stories live. Discover now