Return to Sanity

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Alice knew that something had happened.  The world had gone from one of terror in the night to silence.  They suspected the vampires were planning something and that was why there hadn't been any sign of them.  But days, turned to weeks, and then months had passed without a single abduction or attack.  No one had so much as seen a vampire in that time.  Alice had her suspicions confirmed when she went to the temple to talk to the priestess.  The priestess confirmed that Sayora's powers had strengthened.  The vampires, if not extinct had been driven off.  

Alice waited for a sign of Vincent.  He had to be alive.  She looked at the protomateria every night and wondered when he would come for it.  One month became two.  Iliana had her baby, a beautiful little girl.  Alice had seen in Vincent's memories that Iliana looked like Ifalna.  She suggested the name Aerith for the child.  Iliana seemed puzzled by where the name had come from, but in the end decided to use it. 

The people of the village became more adventurous and as no vampires attacked them, traveling further and farther afield.  Some even ventured to try and find other people.  Alice had no interest in such things.  She was instead concerned about Vincent.  

The calm of the night was suddenly torn by an inhuman howling.  Alice had never heard anything like it, and none of the other villagers had either.  Some suspected it was just a wolf or a fox, but those who knew the woods and their creatures knew better.  Alice saw a wondering look in Zack's eyes.  When she asked him about it he shrugged.  

"I saw Vincent take a more beast-like form, I never heard it howl though.  It might sound something like that if it had."  Zack shrugged again.  "We'll look into it tomorrow.  No sense in going into the woods at night and getting lost."  Alice could tell he was trying to comfort her and convince her not to worry but she wasn't convinced.  She knew that sound spelled trouble, but she didn't know what kind.  The next day the men went out.  When they returned at nightfall Alice sought out Zack.  

"What did you find?" she asked.  He shook his head.  
"I'm not sure what it was.  It was unlike anything I've ever seen before.  It looked kind of like a bear but it definitely wasn't.  I can't tell you what exactly it was though.  Probably best if we just leave it alone."  Alice nodded.  They announced to the villagers where the creature was and encouraged them to stay well away from the area.  The next several nights were filled with the strange howling.  Everyone in the village was on edge from lack of proper sleep, and the sounds.  Just as suddenly as they had started they stopped.  

Alice didn't know which she was more concerned about; what was causing the sound, or the fact that it had stopped.  Alice couldn't suppress her curiosity and knew that she wouldn't be satisfied until she had seen this creature for herself.  She ventured into the woods the following day, careful to make sure that no one saw her.  It was peaceful, the birds singing sweetly all around her, the soft breeze rustling the trees.  Alice almost forgot her worries.  Remembering that the forest still contained wild animals -including the creature that she was going to find- she decided to be more careful.  

Alice reached the cave that Zack and the others had found him in.  If she wasn't mistaken it was the same cave that Vincent had rescued Ana from.  The same place Felix had met his end and the conflict between Vincent and the vampires had begun.  She climbed carefully up to the ledge and peered into the cave.  Zack was right, the creature inside was huge, easily bigger than any bear she'd ever seen.  But it was clearly not a bear.  No bear in these woods had wings like that.  She had also never seen one with such vicious spikes all over its body.  

From where she was she could just hear it whimpering.  It was barely perceptible over the creature's breathing, but she could still hear it there.  It tugged at her heart, making her wish that she could do something to ease whatever was causing it pain.  She wondered if perhaps it was hungry.  She realized she should have thought of that and was ill-prepared to do anything about it.  She quietly sighed and headed back to the village.  Tomorrow she would return with fresh meat.  He looked like a carnivore so surely that's what he would eat.  

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