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Alice didn't know how long she waited there.  Vincent's breathing was slower more sleepy, but it still sounded a little shallow.  She was grateful that he at least seemed a little warmer.  His heart was still beating at the same pace.  She had almost relaxed and fallen asleep listening to that steady, soothing sound.  She knew they couldn't just stay here though.  She lifted her head slowly moving muscles that had become stiff from disuse.  Vincent still hadn't moved from where he landed.  She reached a hand up to the side of his face and ran her fingers along the side of his face.  He didn't seem to respond to her touch.  

"Vincent?" she called.  Waiting for that response was tense, and when it didn't come she felt her anxiety rising.  "Vincent," she called more urgently.  Once more he remained perfectly still.  It was in those moments that she started to fear that something was seriously wrong.  In her panic her mind froze.  What should she do?  What could she do?  She was out here in the wilderness with very little around her that she could use to help him.  

Sound penetrated the panic in her mind.  She heard voices, faint, distant.  She sat up sensing their salvation.  Vincent's arms fell limply from her back as she pushed herself to her feet.  Her legs were stiff, slow, but she forced them into motion heading towards the voices.  She was soon able to recognize who it was.  Zack and his family appeared up ahead of her on the trail.  She saw him pause in surprise.  

"Alice," Zack said in surprise.  
"I need your help," she said breathlessly as she meet them.  
"With what?"  
"Vincent."  She saw the confusion on his face.  
"What...?" he started to ask.  Then just shook his head.  "I don't understand Alice."  She reached forward and took his arm. 
"Please, just come with me."  He passed the picnic basket he was carrying to his wife Ana. 
"Wait here." he said.  She nodded. 

Then he followed Alice back to the clearing.  When Alice ran back, he ran too.  There seemed to be an unspoken sense of urgency in both of them.  He was still confused as to what exactly was going on, but he trusted Alice.  They reached the clearing and Zack's eyes widened in surprise.  Together they knelt beside Vincent, Zack doing his best to quickly get a grasp of the situation.  Alice could see he was doing his best not to look at Vincent's scars.  They clearly made him uncomfortable. 

"Alice, go get the picnic blanket from Ana.  We'll use it to cover him up and help keep him warm."  She nodded and rushed back.  Ana looked a little anxious as she approached. 
"Is everything alright?" she asked.  Alice did her best to put on a charming smile. 
"Yes.  Um, may I have the picnic blanket please."  Ana looked surprised but nodded handing the blanket to Alice.  Connor and Tara watched curiously. 
"Mom, what's going on?" Tara asked as Alice jogged back to the clearing. 
"I'm not sure sweety.  We'll just have to wait and see." 

Alice came into the clearing her heart in her throat.  She was grateful that she was no longer alone trying to deal with the situation, but she felt bad for dragging Zack and his family into this.  She handed the blanket to Zack and he wrapped Vincent in it.  Then he turned to Alice. 

"How long have you been out here?"  She shrugged not really sure. 
"I think at most a half an hour.  I'm not sure though."  He nodded. 
"My family is planning on a picnic and I'll be honest I'm hungry enough I need it before trying to carry him back to the village.  I think he'll be alright if we take the time.  What do you say?"  She nodded, smiling with relief.  She was glad this wasn't going to turn into a huge burden for him.  He returned her smile before walking back to his family.  While he was gone she lifted Vincent's head to let him rest on her legs.  She knew it wasn't much, but she was trying to make him as comfortable as she could.  

Zack returned with his family Tara running ahead to Alice.  
"Hey it's the red man," she said as she arrived.  Alice smiled remembering his recovery at their house.  
Zack was carrying the picnic basket now, his other hand holding his wife's.  Ana was holding Connor's hand with her other leading him along.  Together they sat around Vincent and Alice pulling food from their picnic basket.  Tara and Connor ran around playing more than eating.  

Vincent Valentine Vampire HunterWhere stories live. Discover now