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Iliana came and examined Vincent's wound.  When she started shaking her head Alice looked to her in concern. 

"What is it?  What's wrong?" 
"I don't know how to explain it.  Judging by the blood I'd say the wound is too new to be as healed as it is, but it's already forming a scab."  She shook her head as she wrapped his left shoulder in bandages. 
"Despite how bad it looks like it is, I'd say he'll live.  I can't explain it either.  I wonder if he may have absorbed just enough of the vampire's power to heal his wounds without actually turning into one.  That's the only explanation I have for how quickly he's healing."  Alice nodded.  She knew the real reasons, but she wasn't about to share them.  That wasn't her place after all. 

Instead she quietly helped to bandage him and then sat on a clean spot of the floor.  Zack lifted Vincent and brought him over to her setting him down as gently as he could.  Alice placed Vincent's head against her shoulder then wrapped her arms around him to hold him while Zack finished cleaning the gore from the room.  Vincent's breathing was once again unsteady and it sounded strained like it was all he could do to continue breathing.  His skin was so cold, but there wasn't a clean blanket available to wrap him in. 

Alice was so full of emotions she wondered if she wasn't also deriving comfort from holding him.  She wanted to cry because she felt sorry for whatever had happened and that she hadn't been able to stop it.  She was afraid to have her fears confirmed and she was also dreading the fact that she would likely have to go to the priestess to find out the truth of what had happened tonight.  It took Ana, Iliana, and Zack almost an hour to finish cleaning the room, remove the soiled linens, and bring in clean ones.  After that Zack lifted Vincent from the floor and placed him in the bed.  Alice left to go home.  She needed to bathe and get some clean clothes. 

Elizaveta and Natalia looked at the orb.  It was crystaline, like clear glass.  At it's heart there was a source of white light, thought what it was neither of them could say.  Even with all their senses they had no idea what the object before them was.  Swirls of violet and blue energy surrounded the white core. 

"What do you suppose it is?"  Natalia asked.  Elizaveta shook her head. 
"How do you suppose it works?"  Natalia asked again.  Elizaveta picked up the strange orb.  It was largish, several inches in diameter, but it fit nicely in the palm of her hand. 
"I don't know, but I know one way we might find out."  She turned to Natalia and before the other woman could react she used her claws to rip open a hole in the woman's shoulder.  Natalia gasped in pain and stepped back fear apparent in her eyes.   Elizaveta didn't slow.  She shoved the Proto Materia into the hole she had created and made sure it was secure before she removed her hand.  Natalia fell to her knees as her body finished healing. 

Elizaveta looked down at Natalia with disdain.  Natalia sat on the floor propped up by her arms, gasping and panting.  Elizaveta rolled her eyes.  She kicked Natalia over.  Natalia fell but did her best to stifle the sounds of pain she was making.  When she finally collected herself enough, she rolled to her knees.  A few moments later she pushed herself to her feet.  She didn't meet Elizaveta's eyes.  Elizaveta frowned. 

"Well...?" she demanded. 
"I'm sorry." Natalia said.  "I don't feel any different." 
"Can you change into one of the forms he took?"  Natalia shook her head. 
"No.  I don't think the orb controls that."  Elizaveta made a disgusted sound and threw up her arms. 
"Figure it out.  I want to know what that things does.  Now get out of here." 
"Yes mistress."  Natalia bowed in deference and left quickly. 

The truth was, she had lied to Elizaveta.  She did indeed feel different, she felt like her old self.  No, that wasn't it, but her mind was clear.  No longer was she enthralled by the vampiric urges she had experienced on the day she was turned.  She remembered everything of course she just hadn't cared until the orb had been placed inside of her.  She could feel again the terror she had last felt as a human, the pain of the fangs entering her neck.  The burning freezing sensation that had taken her whole body.  The different person that had stood from the ground and turned on her sister and brother. 

Vincent Valentine Vampire HunterWhere stories live. Discover now