Ella's P.O.V
Bartender? I was definitely wrong. My 'uniform' was laced out underwear and a terrible excuse for a bra. I looked back at Jack with an angry\confused expression. "Jack Fucking Gilinsky, I'm not a stripper." I gasped at his smirk. He chuckled and I thought to myself that that'd be the closest I'd ever get of a smile from him. "No, no. I'll bartend or something. I need money but not this bad." I shook my head in frustration. "Money. Sex. It'll be fun. C'mon just try it for tonight" He said. "I'm not a whore!" I whisper yelled in his ear. "Try it for the night. $800 on the spot.
I honestly couldn't pass up 800 right now. I gotta pay rent, ya know. I sighed loudly "One night. that's it." I said. He grinned a ushered me away to change. I put on the outfit and walked out. "Natasha will get you all ready." Sammy said as a girl walked up to me. She looked about 22 and had dark hair, light green eyes, and I couldn't tell much because of the dim lights. Once we walked into her illuminated make-up room I could see she was really pretty. She did light make-up, thankfully. She started to give me pointers. "Old guys have the most money, pole to the right is a little shaky, Sarah Lee can help you if you need anything else." She said and pushed me out into the club. Men automatically stared at me and I felt self-conscious.
Jack was sitting down with Sammy and another boy. They all had girls on their laps. I don't know why but I felt jealous. "Ah, Ella. You see him, the one over there. That's Cameron. He needs a lap dance." Jack said and winked. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the guy. He smiled and I just kinda started grinding into him. Not sure how ya do this. But I guess I'm good at this because he groaned. I put my hands on his shoulders and continued. Someone ripped me off of him and pulled me away. I heard Cameron yell "What the hell, dude?!". All of the sudden the light in the closet came on and Jack was holding me. "Jack! I'm trying to get money here!" I yelled.
He didn't even respond. He just pushed me against the wall and kissed me roughly. He started kissing down my neck. "Jack.." I mumbled. "Shh be good for daddy." He said into my neck. I didn't know what to do. I stayed still and let him continue. I heard the door open and girl say "Jack! What are you doing with this skank!?" and he turned and looked at her. "Madison. I told you. You and I are not together. I use you for sex. You use me so you think you're loved. So, I can technically fuck with whomever I want." Jack said and she stomped out. He handed me his coat. "Put this on. I'm taking you home." He said softly. He went from kinky to cute real quick. "Where's my actual clothes?" I slid the jacket on. "Um, some people took them." Jack opened the door and I was soon in his car, holding my purse.
"Nice car." I mumbled, pulling his jacket around me tighter. "Yeah, it is." He drove away quickly. I scoffed and looked out the window. "That was Madison, that ran in on us." He kept looking straight as he spoke. "Cool." I nodded. We drove in silence until we pulled up to this very large house. "Um, not my house. Now, take me home." I sat up a little. "I pulled you into a closet alone. People are out to get you now." He smirked and parked the car. "Aww, it's cute you don't want me getting hurt but take me home." I sternly said. "Ha. Ha. No. If I keep you here a couple days girls will get jealous." He slaps my thigh and gets out. I follow him in. "No. I'm not a toy, ok?" I snapped. "$3,000?" he smirked. "And I just have to stay at your house?" I mumble. "Yup." He hands me my due $800 and I nod. "Ok. Gimme clothes." I smile. He chuckles and walks upstairs. I run up too. "Clothes." I say again. "Yeah, yeah" Jack says and walks into a room. He comes back out with PINK sweats and an extremely large white tee. "Here." he hands them to me and I scurry into the room to change. Not doubting these are his hoes shorts.
But I take off my 'uniform' and put on the clothes. I walked out Gilinsky smirked. "Dunno why you even put them on because I'm gonna rip'em off later anyway" I gasped at that. "No. No, no, no." I shook my head. "Sure. That's what you say now but you'll be screaming yes" he smirked again and stepped closer. I could smell him as he stepped closer and closer. "Um, I should go to bed" I mumbled. He chuckled and kissed me until we were making out against the wall.

50 Shades Of Gilinsky
Fanfiction"I was wrong, you can't change people" {SEQUEL IS UP; 50 SHADES WITHOUT YOU}