
244 17 10

Oi oi are you ready to have your mind BLOWNNNNN

For anyone that doesn't understand how this stuff works,, it's a playlist of songs I like and I feel fit with the 'aesthetic' of the story (it's not in any particular order)

All Star - Smash Mouth
All Star - Smash Mouth
All Star - Smash Mouth

All Star - Smash Mouth
All Star - Smash Mouth
All Star - Smash Mouth
All Star - Smash Mouth
All Star - Smash Mouth

so um that's over

(playlist updated 4/6/16)
It's weird seeing how much my music taste has changed since I originally wrote this
I've added older panic songs, more of the 1975 and LOTS OF KPOP !!
Btw I intentionally made this playlist very upbeat and pop-y because I thought it fitted well with the story
I hope you enjoy listening to the music :^)

(playlist updated 7/5/17)
I hate all of this music. i have replaced it with all star by smash mouth as i hope to do with the whole of this terrible story. I'm sorry I wrote this, guys, but I can't delete it now because it's so popular and I'm desperate for constant validation

Xx G-slice (never call me g-slice)

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