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It's not one of those things I can just say over email but I'm too big of a pussy to say it in person... I don't have sceptic knee, originally it's what I was diagnosed with but the pain is more excruciating than its supposed to be and if my leg sits still long enough it locks up and I can't move.. It's not sceptic knee anymore, it's bone cancer... I'm so afraid of telling anyone but I'm pretty much telling the entire world now..I don't want them thinking I'm an attention whore like most of them did a few days ago..I'm just scared.. Time..it's all about time now..it's scary and Tuesday I left early with everyone under the impression that it was just a braces appointment but it wasn't and then tomorrow I'm also leaving early.. The doctor seems to be my new bestfriend, I'm just scared, we can't afford my treatment at the moment. Life sucks. I've been at the doctors almost everyday this week..and if your reading this then keep it to yourself I don't want anyone's sympathy or for the entire school to come up to me asking questions... Parents don't need to be notified..my mom can't handle all of the calls.. Just know that's what's going on..

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