I dont even know where to begin with guru hes ALL over the place literally... him and i have been "on and off" friends for about 2 good years, but i wouldn't have know him if he didn't like my best-friend (pippy). Hes one of the weird ones i guess you could say but hes independent although he comes to me on the regular for some advice with pippy... So pippy does like him as well as she likes me right now but here's the problem, were too good of friends to her for any of us to date pippy which yes i know is very complicated. Guru and i started to go head to head in a way "competing" for pippy, she means a lot to the both of us (she means more to me but whatever). Here's where it gets more complicated, pippy likes us both and we both like her , so who gets pippy? NO ONE! That's who, fucking casper gets pippy, naw but i completely understand her point of view because she is still not over cassidy and now another "wonderful" person has walked into all of our lives.. His name is amrit and hes not bisexual like most of the people in this story but he is a fuck boy... he doesn't exactly like pippy as more than a friend but shes head over heels for that guy and it makes me upset seeing her trying not to catch his gaze. Guru is the hopeless romantic type and hes always trying to do cute things for pippy but it typically doesnt work (lol). Heres a prime example, the other day pippy was walking down the hall and guru ran up to her and hugged her so tight but his glasses fell off and his moment was ruined by me and pippy laughing our asses off in the hallway... Now on the other hand i am sorta the same way except im cute with words and guru is cute with actions and VERY bad with words as youll soon see. Ive tried everything i can to try and win pippy over but like sometimes enoughs enough and we cant alwyas get what we want.. And I want her.❤️
Why Me?
Genç KurguThat book cover ya thats me being awkward...hey im Tristan,okay so lucky for you alot of shit goes on in my life on a daily basis, its kinda funny (sometimes), sad (most of the time) and i get pretty annoying. So if you ever think your life kinda su...