Someone Else Purrt 1

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Chat had tried to save the day. Emphasis on tried. He wasn't exactly an expert, it being his first day. He had been thrown into the new life style. Trying to find a place to transform while being famous was far more difficult than he expected. Teaming with Ladybug was fun, but it was difficult when she was more used to it and expected him to be similar.

It was a pain. Literally. He was clawed at by the 'akuma' and it damaged his suit. The red clad hero offered to help him, but the moment his ring beeped, she told him she couldn't. She desire to keep their identities a secret outweighed his suit.

He wasn't injured to badly, but he knew that the blood would be difficult to wash out. He hid in the alleyways of Paris, afraid to go home in such condition. His father would have a sour scowl, worse than his normal scowl. His make-up artist and the crew for his modeling would have a fit. He didn't want to go through all that drama.

He slumped by the wall of a red brick building. His body was too soft and not used to such an attack. He was clumsy with his movements and it only got in the way of the superhero. He slid down to catch his breath and rest. The bleeding was slowing down. That was good, right? He was too tired to know; his eye lids falling and his brain shutting down was evident of that.


"Will he be okay?"

"Да, да." Click, click. "The wounds will heal, bit it might leave a scar if he tears the scab like you do." Woosh. "You did good on the suit though."

"Of course. Mom taught me how to sew, and I have your clothes for practice."

Adrien mumbled as he heard the voices of a girl and boy. He didn't recognize them, nor the language they spoke. It wasn't French, nor Chinese. He twitched and tried to prop himself up with an elbow. However, a strong hand pushed him back down.

"Don't move," commanded a stern voice. It was broken French and the accent was thick with a rolling tongue. "Wound will tear."

He complied reluctantly. He slowly opened his eyes to see a young man, about twenty hover over him with a serious frown. He held up a leather jacket and placed it over him, on the back of the couch. How in the h*** did he get there?

The girl looked at him with big eyes. She smiled lightly, silently saying he'd be fine.

"Where am I?" Adrien asked.

"You are at 1738 Drovler Road," the girl responded quickly and excitedly. He only held his head and groaned in annoyance. His father would kill him if he knew he was at the 'poor side' of Paris.

She looked at him worryingly. "Are you feeling well?" She asked. "Does your head feel bad?" The young blonde shook his hand, signaling that it was fine. He still frowned. How was he going to get home? Would it be alright for Plagg to transform?

"Who is Plagg?" Asked the girl. Crap! He said that out loud! "Is he the tiny cat that begs for cheese?" Son of a— She saw him?! That meant—! She only smiled at him, pressing a finger to her lips with a giggle. "I cannot tell any person. I do not think they would know with my words."

He calmed a bit. The young man, who pushed him down, helped him up more gently and slowly helped put on his leather jacket. He also handed Adrein a small pill. "This help pain." Afraid to argue, the model took it and swallowed with water. After the blonde took the medicine, the young man got up and left through a door he just noticed. He told the girl something, she nodded with a confident smile. She replied with something that sounded like a goodbye.

Adrien took a good look around the room. It was small. Many things were small. The couch was for two people, the rug hardly took any space. The door to his right took up a third of the wall. The cabinet adjacent was covered with mail, a set of keys and dying flowers. It was open with shoes noticeably put in.

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