Someone Else (E-paw-logue)

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Years passed by after their encounter. The French-Chinese girl came around quickly and became great friends with the Russian. They often visited without the nosy cat, which made Sasha smile a good bit.

They would try to learn each other's languages, but would end in giggles. Marinette couldn't roll her 'r's the right way, while Nelliya would get the accents wrong for most vowels.

How Adrien could get the words for each language correct effortlessly was a mystery to the both of them.

Their visits grew longer in length as the time between them also grew. They'd talk about school, jobs, friends. The girls taught each other recipes, which made the blonde extremely please as he'd eat their end results. Nelliya always laughed and smiled at their past stories and recent ones as the Paris' crime fighting duo. The number of times they tried correcting each other was amusing in itself.

It was sad when the Parisians had heard she left.


Adrien knocked on the door of the apartment. They hadn't visited her in years. His modeling career was demanding since he fully developed a young man's body. Marinette was swimming in assignments since she started working under his father.

The Akuma attacks also didn't help. They happened a bit less frequently, but were not absent.

College often was difficult since it caused drama between Adrien and his father. The young man had decided to move out and Marinette had came with him in support. Their classes were a bit different, her designing passion and his ... exploration through the courses.

They hadn't made a visit in so long. It had been five years since Ladybug and Chat Noir revealed themselves in her guest room. They were twenty when they heard.

An unknown girl answered the door. She had light brown hair with bits of ginger highlights. She stared at them dumbly with her clueless green-grey eyes. "Who are you?" She asked.

"Lilliana? Who's at the door?" A familiar voice called out.

"A blonde model and his girlfriend baker!" Adrien wasn't all surprised she called out his profession, but looked at his princess, worried as she tried to rub off spots of flour off her coat.

In seconds, a known brown haired man appeared under the threshold and shooed the girl off. "What are you two doing here?" He practically hissed.

The rich boy only shrugged at him. "We just wanted to visit. Is that a crime or something?" He ignored the twenty-five year old shake his head in annoyance.

"Where is she?" The young woman, Marinette questioned.

Sasha sighed and held his head. "I forgot she didn't tell you..." He mumbled.

Adrien narrowed his eyes. "Tell us what?" He asked. He tightened his grip on his girlfriend's hand who gave a small, concerned look.

"She left." He answered curtly. The two were taken aback. "She moved back to Russia about a year-and-half ago. Knew a nice guy, known him for as long as she was in Paris. They'd gotten together and decided to move closer to home."

The couple looked crestfallen from the news.

He continued. "She was married here though. She didn't want to send you inventions; said that it would look suspicious or bad if a famous model and his girlfriend came, acting closer than they should and the media wouldn't let it go." He scoffed a small laugh. "She said that she was determined to keep your identities a secret, even if she'd regret not inviting you two."

Marinette felt like crying. She didn't see her wedding dress or design it, she didn't get to see her walk down the aisle to her dearly beloved. She wouldn't know if she laughed or cried in happiness. She didn't get a chance to catch the bouquet, or to see the ring she had, or to wish her good luck and give her her best wishes.

She could never get to experience that with her.

Sasha watched the raven haired girl get close on the verge of tears. He swallowed thickly and reluctantly let the two in. "It's not like she's dead," he mumbled as he shut the door behind Adrien. "She and I Skype almost every week. I was probably going to get a call tomorrow or something, but it won't hurt to initiate I suppose."

He led them into the living room. It was a bit more spacious, with the couch against the far wall and the rug was replaced by a bigger one. The girl from earlier was just putting away a magazine and shoes. She then fiddled with new flowers on the counter still adjacent to the door. She was quick to move to the kitchen to make a meal.

Sasha gestured the couch, and gotten a laptop from a bag on the coffee table in front of them. He logged in and sent the call. He smiled as soon as she picked up. 'Sasha? Do my eyes deceive me? You called me?' He only chuckled and told her she had visitors. He then turned his computer to the couple on the couch.

They gapped as she was smiling and cradling a tiny infant. The baby was asleep and holding onto her hair tightly. Adrien quickly flashed his eyes to Marinette who was melting at the sight. Nella laughed watching them.

"First a wedding, and now a child," wailed the designer. "Are you purposely making me cry at all I'm missing?"

"Hello to you too, Marinette." She laughed. The young woman took a small hand from the baby and waved it. "Maxim say hello too."

Adrien watched in shock as he waved back. "Y-you have a-a son?"

Nella nodded proudly. She gazed at her little boy fondly. "Yes. I'm restless some night, I can't work for a while, and sometimes it can be stressful, but..." She brought the baby up gently and kissed the top of his head. "He's mine and I can't help but love him with all my heart."

A voice came from the background. "And me?"

"I love you too," she called back. The three of them shared a laugh. She watched them with soft eyes. "So how have you been? You can see how things have gone for me, your turn."

"Well, my modeling career has skyrocketed since I've grown up. And college is going really well. I've taken a liking in Architecture and mathematics." He smiled his widest, talking to her.

"I've gotten to design lines of clothes and I've been doing really well as an intern at my job. I have a side job as a baker for my parents and ... Well... You could say that they're technically paying for intuition." She chuckled nervously.

They laughed a bit. The baby nuzzled into the woman's side before she spoke. She quickly adjusted herself. "And ... Looks like someone needs to be put to bed." She smiled in apology. They only waved it off. "I should get going then, thank you for the call and visit. It means so much."

"Don't worry about it," Adrien chuckled. "It's our pleasure."

She laughed a bit. "Then I'm lucky to have such friends." She got up and leaned in closer. "You both should be going as well. We can't have you getting sleep deprived from your work and studies. Just laying in bed does wonders."

The couple looked at each other before giggling at her. She had no idea how tired they were. Listening to the advise wouldn't be all bad. She was a mother now, and her instincts had to be right.


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